About Us CBS Therapy is a locally based therapy company created by therapists for therapists. Unlike other therapy companies, CBS Therapy Directors are practicing therapists and are accessible to any staff member. They speak your language and share your challenges. CBS Therapy is interested in helping therapists find rewarding experiences that are tailor-made for their strengths, interests and schedules.
Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA) Lincoln, RI Area Currently seeking a COTA for a part time school based placement Successful candidates will have:
- Current and unencumbered license to practice occupational therapy specific to the state the therapist is assigned to work by the Company
- Successful completion of an occupational therapy program at a school of occupational therapy approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association or the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of American Medical Association or the committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of the American Medical Association.
- Valid Drivers License and reliable transportation and agency required liability insurance to perform home visits
- Provide both 1:1 (one on one) and group therapy services for students.
- Complete evaluations
- Complete all required documentation/scheduling/preparation for students.
- Potentially attend IEP/MDT/504 meetings to discuss student performance/recommendations as pertaining to occupational therapy related issues.
- Write and maintain confidential client case notes and reports, as well as information for clients, and other professionals