About Us CBS Therapy is a locally based therapy company created by therapists for therapists. Unlike other therapy companies, CBS Therapy Directors are practicing therapists and are accessible to any staff member. They speak your language and share your challenges. CBS Therapy is interested in helping therapists find rewarding experiences that are tailor-made for their strengths, interests and schedules.
School Social Worker Lincoln, RICurrently seeking a School Social Worker for a Part Time school placement. Successful candidates will have:
- Department of Education Certification in School Social Work OR Licensed through the Department of Health
- Model and coach school personnel on implementation of behavior plans
- Support school personnel to model and coach students on utilizing their skills taught in the behavior plan
- Participate in identification and consult on the development of RTI plans, data collection and parent meetings for at-risk students with challenging behaviors
- Participate in monitoring student progress to address student and teacher needs for students in both tiered intervention and those already on an IEP
- Provide liaison services with community, AEA and school resources
- Participate in IEP meetings for students with significant social/emotional or behavioral needs
- Informally use diagnostic skills to provide information in the development of behavior/support plans for students and link them to appropriate services
- Maintain documentation of each student served
- Provide consultation with LEA personnel on a regular basis to improve school response to problem behaviors, implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans and IEPs, and analyze student achievement data
- Provide staff development with LEA/AEA for personnel in the areas of Behavior and Mental Health issues/areas
- Coordinate services with other support staff assigned to the building