About Us CBS Therapy is a locally based therapy company created by therapists for therapists. Unlike other therapy companies, CBS Therapy Directors are practicing therapists and are accessible to any staff member. They speak your language and share your challenges. CBS Therapy is interested in helping therapists find rewarding experiences that are tailor-made for their strengths, interests and schedules.
Paraprofessional Woonsocket, RI Currently seeking Paraprofessionals for FT school placements. Skills
- Passion and enthusiasm for teaching
- Be of good character
- Have a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma
- Successfully pass the Para Pro Assessment
- Provide one-on-one instructional reinforcement (referred to as tutoring in Title I programs) if such is scheduled at a time when a student would not otherwise receive instruction from a teacher
- Assist with classroom management, such as by organizing instructional materials,
- Provide instructional assistance in a computer laboratory,
- Provide instructional support in a library or media center,
- Provide instructional assistance along with acting as a translator, or
- Provide instructional support services under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher