Functional Statement:
This position serves as the Classification and Compensation Specialist for assigned Districts/Sections within the Department of Transportation and Development. This position assists in planning and evaluating the effectiveness of DOTD's job classification and compensation programs and works under the direct supervision of the Classification and Compensation (C&C) Supervisor. Utilizes independent judgment and discretion; may appear before DOTD's Standing Committee on Human Resources (SCHR). A broad, working knowledge of Civil Service Rules and DOTD policies, highly developed written/oral communication, and analytical skills are required.
While in official capacity, DOTD employees must comply with applicable Louisiana and Civil Service laws, rules and regulations, as well as DOTD policies, procedures, manuals, and directives.
50% Classification
Consults with and advises District HR, Supervisors, Appointing Authorities, Office Heads, and Executive Staff on classification issues and assists them throughout the position description process, including submission to Civil Service for final review and position allocation. Reviews position descriptions for assigned Offices/Sections/Districts. Researches and reviews supporting documentation, precedent positions, and all other pertinent materials to ensure accurate position allocation according to established criteria (Civil Service and DOTD). Returns insufficient position descriptions without action and advises Appointing Authorities on corrective actions to be taken. Forwards approved position descriptions to Civil Service, along with the HR Position Information Form, which states all changes being made and DOTD HR's justification for approval. Ensures the timely processing of position descriptions by maintaining and regularly reviewing the SF-3 Processing Log.
Maintains the Department's central position description files. Ensures that every classified position in the Department is covered by an individual SF-3; requests position descriptions as necessary. Ensures that position descriptions on file are accurate and up-to-date by establishing a schedule for review of position descriptions. Sets deadlines for Appointing Authorities and Supervisors and ensures they follow the schedule and meet those deadlines; revises schedule as needed. Notifies Office/Section/District Head and C&C Supervisor when Appointing Authorities fail to meet deadlines.
Establishes and conducts a schedule of position audits on an as needed basis in conjunction with State Civil Service. Audits may be conducted in person, over the phone, or via correspondence (e-mail, surveys, etc.) and are necessary to obtain additional information to make appropriate allocation recommendations. Drafts position audit reports and summaries of findings and makes recommendations to address any classification issues found during the audit.
Drafts and/or revises Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) between DOTD and Civil Service and maintains records of approved MOUs. Consults with and advises Section Heads/District Administrators and Executive Staff regarding classification and compensation issues that can be addressed by job assessments. Receives, reviews, analyzes, and makes recommendations for proceeding with job assessment requests. Gathers necessary supporting documentation such as job specifications, funding certificate forms, turnover data, salary survey data, request letters, etc. and uses the information to make a solid, supportable recommendation regarding job assessments. Researches, develops, and recommends job specifications for proposed new job titles and/or changes to current job titles. Completes 160 Review requests from Civil Service, both on job assessments submitted by DOTO and assessments that impact DOTO but are submitted by other agencies or State Civil Service, and responds as necessary. Implements job assessments upon approval from the Civil Service Commission and Governor. Ensures all required position descriptions are submitted and processed in accordance with Civil Service requirements.
Establishes unclassified positions at the direction of DOTO Administration and under the supervision of the C&C Supervisor and Unit Manager. May be required to prepare correspondence, justification, and any other necessary supporting documentation. Facilitates discussions with Civil Service and/or DOTD Administration as necessary.
Finds and corrects data entry errors in SAP including, but not limited to: FLSA status, Career Progression Groups (CPGs), parish location, cost centers, funds, general description, units, etc. Researches and works with Sections/Districts to help Supervisors view their employees in LEO as needed. Cleans up organizational structures in SAP, i.e., adjusts organizational units and organizational managers as well as various other changes as necessary. Researches issues as necessary and works with the Division of Administration to resolve errors that cannot be corrected at the agency level.
45% Compensation
Consults with and advises District HR, Supervisors, Appointing Authorities, Office Heads, and Executive Staff on compensation issues. Recommends the appropriate mechanism to address the issue (such as an SER, Premium Pay, Optional Pay, etc.) and assists them throughout the process. Upon receipt of a position description, pay request, or any other request type needing to go to the Undersecretary and/or the Standing Committee on Human Resources (SCHR), conducts all necessary research (including position audits, outreach to other state transportation agencies, salary research, etc.), gathers documentation, analyzes information and makes recommendations based on findings. Prepares a position paper or email detailing Human Resources' recommendation to chain of command, up to the Undersecretary for review and approval. The position paper provides adequate background information as necessary, including history of the job (for existing jobs), reason for the request, possible impact on other DOTD jobs, information on comparable jobs at affected pay levels to support HR's recommendation, applicable recruiting/retention data, fiscal impact, etc. Participates in internal position paper review process to ensure internal consistency regarding recommendations. Assists the C&C Supervisor with the compilation and dissemination of SCHR packets as needed. May be required to attend and/or present position papers to the Undersecretary and/or at SCHR meetings.
Prepares reports as required for the Undersecretary, SCHR, State Civil Service, or State Civil Service Commission review. May be required to present findings to the SCHR and/or State Civil Service. Ensures timely implementation of approved special pay upon SCHR, DOTO Undersecretary, and/or State Civil Service Commission approval.
Conducts salary surveys to determine market pay for specific job titles, makes appropriate recommendations based on salary survey findings, and responds to salary survey requests from other agencies (local, state, or federal) and/or private industries.
Assists the C&C Supervisor in generating Mid-Year and Fiscal Year turnover reports for the entire Department, analyzing the reports, and making recommendations on solutions to address significant levels of turnover. Stays abreast of the statewide turnover average; may periodically contact Civil Service to determine such. Generates turnover reports for the Districts and Sections upon request. Assists in preparing Fiscal-Year Optional Pay and other reports for Civil Service and the Undersecretary/SCHR as necessary.
Approves or rejects 6.Sg requests after receipt and review. Ensures that these special pay requests are job related and pertinent to the performance of required duties and confirms that all credentials used to justify special pay requests have been verified. Requests additional information if needed to grant a higher rate of pay and advises of such.
If it is determined that the request cannot be supported, advises the Appointing Authority as to why and works with them to revise the request, if possible.
Receives and reviews payment for Attainment of Advanced Degree requests. Ensures that these special pay requests are job related and pertinent to the performance of required duties and confirms that all credentials used to justify special pay requests have been verified. Requests additional information if needed. Recommends approval/rejection and routes to the C&C Supervisor, Unit Manager, and Undersecretary for appropriate action and/or approval. Notifies Supervisors, Managers, and Appointing Authorities upon approval or disapproval of requests.
5% May be required to perform other duties as necessary, including, but not limited to, emergency/disaster support activities.