Help NZ invest in nature and improve conservation outcomes
Showcase your policy skills and economic/financial analysis on a range of priority projects, including DOC's Financial Sustainability Review
Join a fun and exciting team, always keen for the quiz and coffee!
He angitūtanga | About the team and the role
We are seeking a Policy Advisor with around 2-3 years' experience to join our Budget and Funding policy team.
We are a team of 9 policy professionals, with some great mentoring skills, very social, and of course driven to improve conservation outcomes! The Budget and Funding Policy team was created to drive a stronger focus on growing investment in nature and using robust evidence, including financial and economic analysis, to underpin DOC's advice to Government.
In this role you will be flexing your policy and project management skills across of a range of projects, including helping progress DOC's Financial Sustainability Review and the Revenue Action Plan for Conservation. You'll be working closely with others across DOC and key Agencies such as MFE and MBIE.
Ngā pūkenga me ngā wheako | Skills and experience required:
We're looking for a strong team player, who can hit the ground running, and is confident in building knowledge quickly.
Experience working on project-based policy work
Experience collaborating and building stakeholder relationships
Excellent written communication, including some experience drafting papers for Ministers.
Strong critical thinking capability, ideally some experience of the Budget process
Ngā āhuatanga kei a mātou | What's in it for you?
The Department of Conservation /Te Papa Atawhai places importance on developing a culture where everyone can participate, thrive, and grow. We're working towards being an organisation that is diverse, equitable and inclusive by default.
Learn more about what a career at DOC offers here.
Our vision: Nature is thriving in Aotearoa | Te Oranga o te Ao Tūroa
The Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) serves to protect and restore nature spaces and species across Aotearoa.
Tangata whenua are inextricably linked to the whenua and te taiao, and we desire a future where whānau, hapū and iwi can thrive in their role as rangatira and kaitiaki.
Tō tātou taiāo. Tō tātou hītori. He tāonga tūturu nō Aotearoa. Maioha rawatia. Poipoia rawatia. Tukua.
Our nature. Our history. It's New Zealand's unique legacy. Enjoy it. Enrich it. Pass it on.
We have a new and ambitious strategy focused on improving conservation outcomes and the Policy Directorate works across a range of policy, regulatory, and funding issues to achieve these. We provide the strategic direction and thought leadership for DOC and for the conservation system. The Directorate ensures DOC has the right frameworks and settings in place to deliver on our outcomes for conservation, to meet Government priorities, and to be an honourable Treaty partner.
Tono ināianei | Apply now
Apply online with a CV and cover letter that highlights your relevant skills, experience and motivation for the role. Please let us know if you require any accommodations or adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
The salary range for this position is $82, 440 - $110,290. Salary will be negotiated with the successful candidate based on their level of relevant skills and experience.
Rā katinga | Applications close at 11:59pm, Wednesday, 02 October 2024.
Me he pātai anō | For further enquiries, please feel free to contact Kate Triplow at
Taupānga | Job reference: DOC/1819204
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available