Center for Development and Integration (hereinafter referred to as “CDI”) was established under Decision No 04/CATBD-QD dated April 8, 2005 of the Asia-Pacific Economic Center and its activities according to the Science and Technology Activity Registration Certificate (“Science and Technology”) No. A-399 issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the first time on August 5, 2005 and re-issued on December 29, 2023. Tax code: 0104553288 Head office: No. 176, Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam Office: No. 169, Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Cau Giay, Hanoi Positon overview: Overall, the position of Project Officer shall be responsible for management works and oversight of the project that enhances the just distribution of social and economic resources through transparent, participatory and accountable governance processes, including overall coordination, planning, management, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and reporting of all project activities. At management level, the position is in-charge of Project management/coordination, Project implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Reporting, Partnership and Networking. A detailed job description is attached below. Application link: Job description: Candidates please send your application including Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter in an email with title "Apply for the position of Project Officer” to email address: Applications deadline: 16:00 - 19 November 2024.