The IT Business system analyst will report to the MES & Shop floor systems team leader and must have maintenance of the regional applications for production through development of new solutions and applications enhancement.
The person will help end user to make the better use of applications to meet business goals and needs.
Execution & leading of MES (Manufacturing Executing System) the Hot Mill, Supply Chain & GMS area in Asia Plants
Supporting Supply Chain & GMS of Asia MES
. Management of Asia MES application
. Development and Improvement of the MES application
. Training for using MES application
Development the application which cover from Level 2 to Level 4 for supporting
the production
Execution & leading of ABS, OES, DMS(Drawing Management System) for Asia
Participation in regional applications projects
Helping in term of SLA, quality of services and user satisfaction in the region
Communication to all stakeholders in the region
Provides technical guidance to end-users
Developing a skill for consulting with a wide experience and training
Acquirement of new technique
책임 및 자격:
Support global project
Operate Regional systems - Develop & maintain the regional applications to meet the customer business goal
Enhancement Regional system
Improve the regional applications to meet the customer business goal
Execution & leading Hot Mill, Supply Chain & GMS area for Asia MES integration project
Execution & leading ABS, OES, GMS & DMS for Asia project
Better understanding business part useful IT application
위치 프로필:
노벨리스는 대한민국 서울에 아시아 지역 본사를 두고 현지 영업 재무 IT 인사 금속 및 비금속 조달 법률 및 공급망 팀을 지원하고 있습니다.
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