Managing the annual departmental budget in consultation with the departmental chair.
Requesting and processing purchase orders, invoices, expense claims, and other financial transactions.
Monitoring expenditures against budget allocations and forecast future financial needs.
Identifying opportunities for cost savings and process improvements.
Maintaining accurate financial records using the University's accounting system.
Managing budgets for research grants, contracts, and other assigned funds.
Providing support for the budget management of departmental productions.
Providing support to cost centre owners.
Serving as a liaison between central finance, procurement, and other administrative offices.
Responsible for monthly decentralised ad hoc payments.
Responsible for marks capturing of undergraduate and postgraduate academic results.
Assisting the general office with other administrative tasks as assigned by the departmental chair.
Keeping abreast of University policies, government regulations, and accounting standards.
Bestuur die jaarlikse departementele begroting in konsultasie met die departementele voorsitter.
Versoek en verwerk aankoopbestellings, fakture, uitgawe-eise en ander finansiële transaksies.
Moniteer uitgawes teen begrotingtoewysings en bepaal toekomstige finansiële behoeftes.
Identifiseer geleenthede vir kostebesparing en prosesverbetering.
By hou van akkurate finansiële rekords deur middel van die Universiteit se rekeningkundige stelsel.
Bestuur begrotings vir navorsingstoekennings, kontrakte en ander toegewysde fondse.
Verskaf ondersteuning ten opsigte van begrotingsbestuur van departementele produksies.
Verskaf ondersteuning aan kostepunteienaars.
Dien as skakelpersoon vir sentrale finansies, aankope en ander administratiewe kantore.
Verantwoordelik vir maandelikse gedesentraliseerde ad hoc-betalings.
Verantwoordelik vir puntevaslegging van voorgraadse en nagraadse akademiese uitslae.
- Verleen bystand aan die algemene kantoor met ander administratiewe take soos toegewys deur die departementele voorsitter.
- Bly op hoogte van Universiteitsbeleide, regeringsregulasies en rekeningkundige standaarde.
Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes
Post-school qualification in financial management, accounting, or a related field.
Three to five years' relevant work experience.
Proven analytical, organisational, and problem-solving skills.
Proven proficiency in MS Office applications, specifically Excel.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Naskoolse kwalifikasie in finansiële bestuur, rekeningkunde, of 'n verwante veld.
Drie tot vyf jaar se toepaslike werkservaring.
Bewese analitiese, organisatoriese en probleemoplossingsvaardighede.
Bewese vaardigheid in MS Office toepassings, veral Excel.
Uitstekende skriftelike en mondelinge kommunikasievaardighede.
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