- Experience in teaching delivery, including the use of electronic and
online technologies in blended and distance teaching delivery
- Publication in national and/or international media on aspects of
health care and practice (essential).
- Experience in building and sustaining collaborations with academics,
government agencies, industry stakeholders and community groups
- Involvement in research in the area of health (preferred).
- Maintaining and developing external stakeholder relationships
which support the School of Nursing and Massey University.
- Knowledge of Te Ao Māori, mātauranga Māori, tikanga and cultural
safety and skills in developing curriculum.
- Strategic ability to lead research projects/workforce initiatives using
qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including Kaupapa
- Ability to supervise doctoral students in mixed methods, including
Kaupapa Māori / indigenous methodologies.
Pre-employment checks
Essential • Requirement to pass a Qualifications Validation Check.
- Requirement to pass a Criminal and Traffic Convictions (Security)
Check performed by the Ministry of Justice.
- Requirement to pass a Credit History and No Asset Procedure (NAP)
Credit History Check performed by Equifax.
- A safety check in accordance with the Vulnerable Children Act 2014
and the Vulnerable Children (Requirements for Safety Checks of
Children’s Workers) Regulations 2015 is required. Part of this
process includes a requirement to pass the police vetting part of the
safety check.
- A requirement to provide additional vaccination information
including the name of the COVID-19 vaccine(s) received and the
date(s) those were received (or a copy of a valid exemption) and
information about any booster you receive (if eligible for a booster),
including the booster vaccination date and the vaccine