- Confirms achievement and acceptance of results on time,
within resources and ensures capture of what can be learned
from the experience.
- Promotes area achievements with stakeholders, working with
others to share insights.
- Mobilises group to anticipate potential issues and change and
respond to them appropriately.
- Coaches others to develop effective techniques for producing
expected results.
- Recognises the link between diversity and high performance
and finds opportunities to increase diversity and inclusion
factors in programme or portfolios.
- Manages appropriate systems, structures, and processes to
Organisational Leadership meet departmental requirements.
- Grows a continuous learning and leadership culture by leading
Essential initiatives for department.
- Builds engagement and collaborations within department /
functional area that aligns with the University’s goals.
- Promotes a high performing culture through awareness,
coaching & motivating.
- Leads a variety of teams to define their purpose, mission, and
- Employs appropriate tools and techniques for maintaining team
People Management engagement, energy, and focus.
Works to ensure that team members are on board, unified, and
moving in the same direction.
- Proactively engages with team members to learn their work
styles, talents, and challenges.
- Engages in people management activities such as performance,
recruitment, development, engagement, budgeting.
- Resolves complex stakeholder complaints or problems.
- Contributes to building a culture of service excellence within
team, teaching others as needed.
- Anticipates stakeholder’s/ customers' needs and satisfies them
Service Centric proactively.
- Recovers from a service failure in a way that enhances
stakeholder’s/customer's esteem of the organisation.
- Engages and collaborates with users to provide accessible, fit
for purpose solutions and adjusts focus or approach when
required to respond to changing user needs.
- Translates University objectives into operational goals for
programme or portfolios and creates a shared sense of
Strategic Thinking and Business ownership for them.
Acumen • Makes sound organisation decisions on behalf of the group
when faced with complex and contradictory alternatives.
Essential • Directs strategic alliances and partnerships for mutual benefit.
- Recommends ways to position the organisation for long-term