Preparation of Price Cost calculation and budgeting
Preparation of PEC, PCC, and FPPBJ documents
Bachelor's Degree related to the position (Economy, Marketing)
At least 2 Years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Have experience in pricing minimum 1 year.
Have extensive networking in the IT field.
Have a good communication skills
Detail-oriented and good analytical thinking
"Pihak Hired dan Perusahaan tidak akan meminta biaya dalam bentuk apapun pada saat melakukan proses recruitment. Mohon segera melaporkan kepada kami, apabila Anda jika pada saat diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang." "Hired and the Company will not ask for any form of payment during the recruitment process. Please report to us immediately, if you are invited for an interview and asked to make a payment with a sum of money."
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available