We are seeking a Project Leader (80%) for the ERDF-funded Audiology valley project. The post will be based on the Kuopio campus and will be filled from 1 January 2025. Please find more information below, and submit your application by 22 November 2024.
Role and salary
In the post of Project Leader, you will work at the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The post will be located on the Kuopio campus.
The duties of the Project Leader include tasks related to the preparation and implementation of the ERDF-funded Audiology valley project. The Project Leader plays a key role in the implementation of the project: they will implement the areas that are critical for the success of the project, such as competitive tendering and installation of infrastructure. Candidates must have extensive knowledge of technical audiology and psychoacoustics in order to have sufficient skills to identify the relevance of business innovations. This will enable the Project Leader to help companies that do not yet have sufficient experience in the field of audiology. The effective organisation of the project and the provision of practical support require background knowledge and experience in the field. The Project Leader also plays a key role in the efficient utilisation of stakeholders and in supervising other project staff (project coordinator and project assistant).
The objective of the ERDF-funded Audiology valley project is to create an RDI infrastructure and corporate ecosystem for audiology and audio technology in order to strengthen the adoption of Smart technology and foster new innovations.
Further information on the project is available at:
Audiology valley: An RDI Infrastructure and Business Ecosystem in Audiology and Signal Processing, Strengthening the Adoption of Smart Technology and Foster New Innovations (investment) - UEFConnect
Rahoitus - Kuulolaakso vauhdittaa kuulonhuollon innovaatioita potilaiden hyväksi - Pohjois-Savon liitto (in Finnish)
The key duties include:
- operational leadership and responsibility for the implementation, reporting and communication of measures
- the launch of the business network in joint development workshops, active contacts with the business network
- drawing up procurement notices, planning of the audiology laboratory, and erection of the equipment planning and implementation of business pilots in cooperation with the project coordinator
Expectations and merits
We expect you to have:
- a university degree (Ph D) in acoustics and/or signal processing;
- the ability to communicate in English (the working language is English)
- initiative
- organisation and teamwork skills.
The following will be considered an advantage:
- experience of project work and project management
- good knowledge of IT applications and systems.
The position will be filled starting from 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2026. The basis for the fixed-term employment is project-based work on an ERDF project. A probation period will be applied for the new employee (6 months). The position is part-time, with an 80% workload.
The salary of the position in determined in accordance with the salary system of the Finnish universities. The salary comprises two elements: a job requirement element and a personal performance element. In this position, the job requirement element is 3,707.43-4,788.76 euros based on the levels 10-12 of the job requirement chart for other expert and support staff. The personal performance element can be a minimum of 6 % and a maximum of 50 % of the above-mentioned sum. Depending on the job requirement element and the personal performance element the salary will be approximately 4,449-5,555 euros/month at the beginning of the employment relationship with 80% of the salary corresponding to the part-time workload percentage. Applicants have the opportunity to state their salary expectations for the position.
Your benefits
You will have access to the university’s staff benefits, including
- opportunity for flexible multi-location work
- extensive occupational health care
- broad selection of staff training
- staff discount on lunch in our campus restaurants, as well as on a range of other services
- affordable sports services and tax-free bike benefit.
Please read more in the Work at UEF section on our website.
You will have an opportunity to work in an interesting/meaningful/diverse role as part of our international, creative, participatory and inclusive academic community.
Enjoy your life in Finland! Known for its cleanliness, welfare know-how, modern technology and superb education system, Finland is an exotic and safe country to work in. Please visit the Life in Finland section on our website to learn more.
How to apply?
Submit your application by using our electronic application form no later than 22 November 2024 by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2)
Please note that you must include the following appendices in your application
- CV (Template for CV, www-page)
- copies of your academic degree certificates / diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas relating to your language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas
- other documents to demonstrate the applicant’s merits for the position
For further information on the position, please contact Professor Aarno Dietz, tel. +358447172849, aarno.dietz@uef.fi.
For further information on the application procedure, please contact HR Controller Henna Miettinen tel. +358 29 445 4634, henna.miettinen@uef.fi.
Terveystieteiden tiedekunta toimii Itä-Suomen yliopiston Kuopion kampuksella. Tiedekunnassa koulutetaan lääkäreitä, hammaslääkäreitä, ravitsemusterapeutteja, farmaseutteja ja proviisoreja sekä muita keskeisiä asiantuntijoita terveydenhuollon eri aloille. Tiedekunta on hyvin tutkimusintensiivinen. Kansainvälisesti korkeatasoinen ja monitieteinen tutkimus kytkeytyy vahvasti yliopiston strategiassa tunnistettuihin tutkimusalueisiin. Tiedekunnassa on noin 3090 perustutkinto-opiskelijaa ja noin 580 jatko-opiskelijaa. Henkilökuntaa tiedekunnassa on 800.
Itä-Suomen yliopisto (UEF) on Suomen monialaisin tiedeyliopisto. Yliopistossamme työskentelee noin 3 200 työntekijää, ja yhteisöömme kuuluu noin 17 000 tutkinto-opiskelijaa ja 16 000 aikuisopiskelijaa. Kampuksemme toimivat Joensuussa ja Kuopiossa. Tutkimuksemme on useilla aloilla maailman kärkeä, ja tuotamme tutkittua tietoa avoimesti käytettäväksi ja kaikkien hyväksi. Tutustu yliopistoomme verkossa www.uef.fi. Tutustu myös yliopistoon työyhteisönä ja työnantajana sekä työntekijöidemme uratarinoihin.
Työsopimuksen voimassaolo: määräaikainen työsopimus | Työsuhteen luonne: osa-aikainen | Paikkojen lukumäärä: 1 | Työllisyysaste: 80% | Paikkakunta: Kuopio | Maakunta: Pohjois-Savo | Maa: Finland | Ilmoitusnumero: 6045/01.01.04/2024 | Yhteys: Aarno Dietz +358443204858, | Julkaistu: 2024-10-25 | Haku päättyy: 2024-11-22