Research Assistant/Project Researcher to a Project...
Åbo Akademi together with the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation offers a joint fixed-term appointment focusing on societal impact research, from 1 January 2025 - 30 June 2026. Research Assistant/Project Researcher
This joint fixed-term appointment is full time and the appointee will work first at Åbo Akademi University as Research Assistant 1 January - 30 September 2025, or starting as agreed, and then at the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation as Project Researcher 1 October 2025-30 June 2026. The appointment will comprise of two different employment relationships. You apply for both at the same time. The employment as Research Assistant at ÅAU is placed at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, in Turku.
The joint appointment concerns the project Diversity, Trust and Two-Way Integration (Mobile Futures), funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) established within the Research Council of Finland.
What is this project? Mobile Futures is an interdisciplinary, action-oriented research project that seeks to make a scientific and societal contribution to co-creating a fair and inclusive Finnish society. The project tackles the challenges of demographic changes – population ageing and the decrease in the number of working-age population – by providing concrete solutions for adapting Finland’s welfare society to these changes. Mobile Futures argues that a trust-based society is more resilient in the face of future challenges. International migration can partially combat the challenges brought by demographic changes, but only if Finland builds societal preparedness for increased migration. This can be done by refashioning Finland’s approach to integration by turning its focus on the whole society through improving institutional and social trust. To achieve this goal, the project employs co-creative research methodologies, through which solutions are jointly developed by the project researchers and partners. The project is implemented by a consortium including Åbo Akademi University, University of Oulu, the Migration Institute of Finland, and the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation. The conducted independent research work should focus on Finland and may encompass the following (not excluding other) themes:
Impact of cross-sectoral collaboration within the field of integration
Changing roles of actors involved in integration
Role of the third sector in integration
Impact of financial cuts in the third sector and municipalities
Qualifications The successful candidate will have expertise in evaluating impact and/or in the integration field and cross-sectoral collaboration including higher education institutions, the third sector and other actors within the field of integration. We welcome candidates with both academic experience and research experience from outside academia. The candidate should have:
A Master’s degree in the relevant field
Good knowledge of English
In addition, the candidate should be able to draft the final research report in one of three languages: English, Finnish or Swedish. Practical proficiency in Finnish is desirable at the Deaconess Foundation. Other multilingual skills are considered an advantage.
Salary and Conditions At ÅAU, the General collective agreement for universities is applied. The Research Assistant’s salary is based on level 4 of the job demand levels for research staff in the salary system for researchers and teachers at universities. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary. To the salary chart of universities: At ÅAU the system with total working hours of 1612 hours per year applies. The work tasks are defined in more detail in an annual work plan. A trial period is applied to new employments. The appointee will have the opportunity to, upon agreement, work remotely within the country. ÅAU is actively working for equal gender distribution and diversity across all personnel groups. At the Deaconess Foundation, the collective agreement for the private social services sector is applied. The total working hours will be 37,5 hours per week. No trial period will be applied. With mutual agreement, the appointee will have the option to work remotely. The Deaconess Foundation is a smoke-free, alcohol- and drug-free workplace. We value diversity in our workplace and encourage people from various backgrounds to apply for positions with us.
Applying for the Job
The appointment will comprise of two different employment relationships. You apply for both employments at the same time with Åbo Akademi's application form.
The application should be submitted electronically in Åbo Akademi University's recruitment system no later than November 22 at 3:00 pm (Finnish time zone). Guidelines for the electronic application can be found here. The application should include the following attachments in English:
Curriculum Vitae including degree certificate and possible language certificates
Letter of Motivation
Research plan (3-5 pages)
Contact Information Further information about the position may be obtained in English from
the project PI Magdalena Kmak:
Service Area Director Sari Hammar:
A Summary in Finnish Åbo Akademi ja Diakonissalaitos hakevat yhteistä tutkimusavustajaa / projektitutkijaa ajalle 1.1.2025 - 30.6.2026. Työ alkaa Åbo Akademissa ja jatkuu Diakonissalaitoksella. Tehtävä liittyy Mobile Futures -projektiin, joka keskittyy luottamuksen ja integraation parantamiseen suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa väestön ikääntymisen ja työikäisen väestön vähenemisen haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi. Hakijalta vaaditaan maisterin tutkinto soveltuvalta alalta, hyvä englannin kielen taito ja kyky laatia tutkimusraportti englanniksi, suomeksi tai ruotsiksi. Suomen kielen taito on toivottavaa Diakonissalaitoksella. Palkka määräytyy työsuhteen alussa yliopistojen työehtosopimuksen mukaan. Tutustu englanninkieliseen ilmoitustekstiin yllä ja jätä hakemuksesi Åbo Akademin hakujärjestelmään viimeistään 22.11.24 klo 15.
Åbo Akademi University(ÅAU) is an internationally acknowledged research university with an extensive responsibility for providing education in Swedish in Finland. With its international research community and its strong Nordic ties, Åbo Akademi University has an acclaimed and recognized position within research and education both nationally and internationally. Åbo Akademi University is actively working for equal gender distribution and diversity across all personnel
The Deaconess Foundation
works for human dignity. Together with Rinnekodit Ltd, the 156-year-old foundation provides effective social welfare and health services for people in need of special support. As a social foundation group, we build a more just society. Profits from our operations go to supporting those in the most vulnerable situations. People are always at the center of everything we do.
Doctoral Researcher (Industrial Engineering and Management, Information and Knowledge Management), 2-4 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (Tuotantotalous, Tietojohtaminen), 2-4 tehtävää
Doctoral Researcher (Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics), 6 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (hallintotieteet, kauppatieteet, politiikan tutkimus), 6 tehtävää