Title: Policy Analyst - Cyber Security Occupation: Policy Analyst (ANZSCO 224412) Salary: $110,00 plus 12% super Hours: Full time 09.00am-5.00pm Employer: Australian Strategic Policy Institute Location: Barton ACT Experience Required: min 2 years in a relevant role Visa Sponsorship: Nomination for temporary work visa and/or Permanent Residency will be considered for eligible candidates. Duties: Some of the duties you will be required to perform include As a Policy Analyst, with a primary designation to ASPI’s Cyber, Technology & Security area, your responsibilities include: · building and sustaining a portfolio of research and associated outputs on issues of cyber and technology as they affect and relate to regional and international security and defence with a focus on the Indo-Pacific and Southeast Asia. · exercising strong editorial judgment and delivering products to the highest standards. · delivering relevant, timely, original, empirical and impactful research and activities for Australian and foreign government’s strategic leaders and decision-makers. · securing human and financial resources to support and sustain your portfolio of research. · managing the scope, timeline and resources for multiple concurrent projects, including interns and researchers. · Supporting efforts to grow ASPI’s impact on policymaking in Australian and internationally · preparing funding proposals, decision briefs and presentations to stakeholders and funders. PLEASE NOTE:
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Job Type: Full-time Pay: $110,000.00 per year Benefits: