Job Advert
Vacant Position
Position Title: Plant Biosecurity Coordinator
Location: Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory
Employment type: Full time
Applications close: Applications for this position close 29 September 2024.
About the ALC
The Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) is a ‘future-forward’ Land Council, directed by the 14 clans of the Groote
archipelago region, is enabling the Anindilyakwa people to take full advantage of the opportunities and
technology available in the 21st century, while simultaneously preserving land, language and culture. The vision
of the ALC is to:
Protect, Invest in the Create
maintain present to pathways for
and promote build a youth to
Anindilyakwa self-sufficient stand in both
culture future worlds
ALC is an independent statutory authority of the Commonwealth, subject to the Public Governance, Performance
and Accountability Act 2013, described therein as a Corporate Commonwealth Entity and is currently a portfolio
agency of Prime Minister and Cabinet. For more information on the Anindilyakwa Land Council, please visit our
About the role
Land and Sea Department - ALC Rangers
Job Advert
The Land & Sea Department works with Traditional Owners to manage and care for country. The ALC Rangers
assist Traditional Owners to meet their cultural responsibilities and aspirations for managing traditional
homelands, protecting and passing on knowledge and law to future generations, and creating a sustainable and
culturally appropriate economy across Aboriginal lands. The Rangers work in partnership with community
organisations, both on Groote Eylandt and mainland Australia, industry and government departments and
currently manage a range of projects with approximately 20 staff across the Groote Archipelago. Projects are
diverse and include, but are not limited to: threatened species management, quarantine and biosecurity, asset
maintenance, compliance and enforcement with fisheries legislation and ALC's recreation permit system relevant
to the Aboriginal Lands Act, weed control, education and community awareness, ecological research, search and
rescue activities and cultural resource management.
The Land and Sea Department works to protect the biodiversity, cultural and recreational values of the Groote
Archipelago through the Jobs Land and Economy Program, Working on Country (Wo C) and Indigenous
Protected Area (IPA) funding streams provided by the State and Federal government.
Plant Biosecurity Coordinator Position
The Plant Biosecurity Coordinator reports to the Land and Sea Manager and is responsible for the
implementation and ongoing success of all activities within the Groote Elyandt Mining Co. (GEMCO) Biodiversity
Offsets Management Plan.
GEMCO’s Biodiversity Offsets Management Plan (BOMP)
The Eastern Leases Mining Project received approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 in 2016, with the approval requiring GEMCO to provide offsets by funding conservation
programs that benefit the threatened species predicted to be impacted by the project. Offsets will be delivered
through GEMCO funding weed management actions on Groote Eylandt (outside GEMCO’s existing tenements),
focusing on high priority (i.e. transforming) weeds. Several high priority weeds have established/are establishing
on Groote Eylandt and are of particular concern because of their ability to significantly alter fire regimes and
vegetation structure, and they pose a direct threat to the threatened fauna of Groote Eylandt.
The BOMP was finalised and approved in 2024 following extensive stakeholder consultation and baseline weed
mapping surveys across the island and provides details on the weed management actions required as part of the
offsets program, including timeframes, resourcing and targets for the work.
Role Overview
The role of Plant Biosecurity Coordinator is a requirement of the BOMP to facilitate and coordinate the weed
management actions described in the BOMP and report on the progress towards achieving the BOMP’s required
outcomes. The role will also support the ALC Rangers in relation to routine weed management work. The
successful implementation of the BOMP will involve performing a wide range of weed management activities to
protect the economic, environmental, social and cultural values of the Groote Archipelago. These activities
include but are not limited to, management of introduced and invasive plant species across the Groote
Archipelago with a strategic approach, implementing appropriate weed quarantine and biosecurity actions,
monitoring and reporting of progress against actions and targets outlined in the BOMP, and building capacity
within the ALC Land and Sea Rangers. This position will mentor, supervise and train ALC Ranger staff when
undertaking biosecurity activities.
The Plant Biosecurity Coordinator will be required to maintain a productive and professional working relationship