Job Goal(s): To develop comprehensive school counseling and therapeutic programsthat meet the social emotional and behavioral needs of students; to integrate theirwork with the philosophy of Restorative Practice; to work with district and buildingadministrators to develop and implement behavioral supports within the model of Massachusetts Tiered System of Supports; act as a consistent member of the districtlevel Restorative Practice committee; act as consistent member of the district level Threat Assessment Team.Performance Responsibilities: 1. Provide consultation and guidance to district and building administrators andadministrative staff regarding all individual student needs2. Provide clinical supervision to all staff assigned to provide counseling services tostudents3. Provide clinical supervision and behavioral consultation to the counseling staff andspecial education programs designed for students with social/emotional andbehavioral needs4.
Respond to crisis situations5. Train staff in crisis response and other topics as requested by the Superintendent ordesignee6. To administer or supervise the administration of safety assessments as needed7. Refer students and families to outside resources8.
Act as a liaison between out of school resources and district staff as appropriate9. Consult and collaborate with district staff including teacher, instructional assistantsand administrators regarding program development and implementation of studentlevel recommendations10. Collaborate and coordinate services with the Restorative Practice facilitator211. Provide or oversee the provision of individual and group counseling services withinthe therapeutic programs12.
Provide guidance to the Director of Student Services regarding therapeutic programdevelopment and implementation13. Use data to document the efficacy of programs or services14. Participate in professional development as requested by the Superintendent or asneeded for professional licensure15. Consult with district-wide staff to ensure equitable access to services is provided toall students16.
Review data with staff with a lens of equity17. Any other duty as assigned by the Superintendent Compensation & Benefits: Commensurate with experience and qualifications.