Search for Common Ground
Search for Common Ground, Nigeria seeks the services of a Research Consultant who will lead in the planning and conduct of a Baseline Study to determine gender disaggregated benchmark information of Project outcome indicators in 7 focal States: Borno, Bauchi, Benue, Plateau, Katsina, Kano, and Sokoto State. In this consultancy, Search is primarily interested in understanding the trends and background of the conflict in the project being implemented.
Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international non-profit organization that promotes the peaceful transformation of conflict. With headquarters in Washington, DC, and Brussels, Belgium, Search’s mission is to transform how individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict—moving away from destructive approaches and towards cooperative solutions. With more than 700 staff worldwide, Search implements projects in more than 30 countries (Nigeria inclusive) in Africa Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and North America.
Project Summary
Search for Common Ground (Search) is implementing a 30-month project with the overall goal to reinforce the legal, social and policy environments for improved Freedom of Religion or Belief (Fo RB) in Nigeria Through (i) capacity and network building for legal practitioners and advocates (ii) training of government and security agencies and (ii) opportunities for the legal community, state and security actors, and religious leaders to collaborate on protecting religious freedoms, the project will strengthen the capacity of these stakeholders to advance and promote Fo RB across the North Central, North East, and North West and regions. Ultimately, the project will contribute to shifts in attitudes, behaviors, and policies in favor of religious tolerance and freedom in Nigeria.
The objectives of the planned intervention against associated outcome indicators at different levels is as stated in the project summary table of Specific Objectives and Expected Results below;
Specific Objectives (SO) and Expected Results (ER) of the Project against the Indicators to be provided by this Consultancy
Result Summary : Project goal: To reinforce the legal, social, and policy environments for improved Fo RB in Nigeria.
Indicator of Interest: Percentage of community members that feel safe walking alone around where they live (PIF: Pillar 1 Violence #1)
Percentage of population who believe decision-making on Fo RB issues is inclusive and responsive (PIF: Pillar1 Legitimacy #1)
Result Summary: Objective 1: The legal community supports individuals at risk of Fo RB violations and violence along religious lines.
Indicator of Interest: Percentage of individuals who believe decision-making by the legal community is inclusive and responsive to their legal needs (PIF: Pillar1 Legitimacy #1)
Result Summary: ER1.1 Legal practitioners and advocates use their enhanced knowledge and tools to address Fo RB violations.
Indicator in interest: Percentage of Legal practitioners and advocates who report feeling empowered to influence issues related to Freedom of Religion or Belief (Fo RB) that they care about. (PIF: Agency #2)
Result Summary: Objective 2: Attitudes, behaviors, and policies support greater religious tolerance and freedom in Nigeria.
Indicator of Interest: Percentage of community members who reported increase in religious tolerance.
Result Summary: ER2.1 Key stakeholders promote inter-religious tolerance and Fo RB within and across communities.
Indicator of Interest: Percentage of the community members who expressed positive attitudes towards inter-religious tolerance.
Result Summary:A2.1.5 Support Fo RB awareness initiatives of Fo RB mentorship groups.
Indicator of Interest: Percentage of community members who report increased awareness and understanding of Fo RB rights, legal protections, and avenues for redress