Walk-in-Interview for the appointment of Guest Faculty
Baba Balraj
Panjab University Constituent College
Balachaur- 144 521
(S.B.S. Nagar) Punjab India
Tel. +91 1885 223344 E. bbpuc C@pu.ac.in
Reference No. BBPUCC/13631 Dated: 28.08.2024 Walk-in-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty in Computer Science
The Walk-in-Interview for the appointment of Guest Faculty to teach at Baba Balraj Panjab
University Constituent College, Balachaur for the academic session 2024-2025 will be held at Rajiv
Gandhi C ollege Bhawan, Panjab University, Chandigarh as per following schedule:
Sr. No Name of the No. of Date Interview Time
Subject Vacancies
1. Computer Science 01 09.09.2024 02:30 pm onwards
All the applicants, who are eligible as per UGC/PU norms, are advised to bring their original
certificates and other relevant documents including publications for verification along with duly filled
form giving the details at the time of interview. The application form for the post of Assistant
Professor is available at website (https://forms.puchd.ac.in/forms/20200122155429
Remuneration and working hours are as per Panjab University norms for Constituent Colleges.
The candidates shall have to give an undertaking that he/she will not draw any fellowship/stipend or
any financial assistance from any agency till they are teaching at Baba Balraj Panjab University
Constituent College, Balachaur.
Note: 1). No TA/DA willb e paid for attending the interview.
2). Candidates must report 30 minutes before interview time.
3). Must attach a photocopy of all relevant documents along with form.
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available