To receive the materials supplied by the vendor as per the purchase order placed by the Purchase Department.
To check the materials thoroughly for quality, quantity, specification condition, condition etc.
To categories the materials category wise and stock in the appropriate locations.
To take appropriate action for care and preservation of the materials.
Periodical stock verification and ensure correctness of stock at all times.
To take safety measure for the safely by store house, materials and men working in store.
To maintain the neat and tidiness of store house.
To issue materials to the departments as per the indents.
To issue materials to departments as per the schedule.
To pass the bills of the materials received from vendor and send it to Accounts department for payment.
To carry out periodical condemnation board for the unserviceable materials.
To take action for disposal of scraps materials as per the procedure.
To maintain all the documents up to data.
Generate reports and submit to concerted authorities.
To attend audit by the auditors.
Maintain all attendance Report of site and send to HO
Assist PM in day to day activities.
Send DSR to HO daily basic.
Reconcile actual Laboure data with payment structure weekly
Send all bill & vouchers to HO
Managing the mess expenses .
Must have experience in budling construction store. Whats App Number:-9438385000 Experience- 3 to 4 years in Building Construction Stores. Job Type: Full-time Pay: ₹16,000.00 - ₹18,000.00 per month Benefits: