Maintenance Technician Opportunity at Northern Lights Village Levi!
The Northern Lights Village brand was born in 2016 and since then we have opened three resorts in Finnish Lapland. We pride ourselves in delivering consistently warm and personalized service to our guests. Everyone working at the Northern Lights Village embraces this mission with great care and responsibility. We appreciate the insight of every individual and see our employees as our most valuable resource.
Our guests are truly international and so is our team, speaking all together 17 languages!
About the Job
We are currently seeking a skilled and proactive Maintenance Technician to ensure our village remains a safe, operational, and welcoming space for all our guests and staff. This hands-on role involves maintaining facilities to the highest standard and responding efficiently to maintenance requests.
Key Responsibilities
Executing daily maintenance tasks and conducting regular inspections
Responding promptly to maintenance requests
Maintaining records of repairs and inventory
Collaborating with the management team to prioritize maintenance projects
Ensuring compliance with safety regulations and standards
Coordinating with external contractors when necessary
Contributing to the overall guest experience through diligent upkeep and improvement of facilities
Experience in a maintenance role
Strong knowledge of plumbing, electrical systems, and general building maintenance
Ability to use a variety of tools and equipment safely and efficiently
Valid B drivers’ license
Fluent in spoken and written English
Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Beneficial Qualifications
Technical or Vocational Training in a related field, such as plumber’s / electrician’s degree
Experience in a hospitality or resort setting
Fluent Finnish in addition to English
What We Offer
Competitive salary
Opportunities for professional development and training
A positive and supportive working environment
Discounts across our properties and facilities
Pay, Duration and Benefits
Starts: September/October Ends: April
Minimum 90 working hours per 3 weeks period
Hourly pay negotiated in an interview, according to knowledge and experience
Other benefits according to the collective labor agreement
If necessary, the resort provides accommodation in a shared room for €250,00/month
How to Apply
Before applying, please ensure you have the right to work in Finland.
Please note that due to the high volume of applications, we may not reply to applications that do not fulfill the stated requirements. Should your application meet the initial selection criteria, you will receive a reply in early August at the latest.
Become a part of Northern Lights Village and help us continue to create unforgettable experiences in Finnish Lapland.
- Huoltomies Levin Northern Lights Villageen Ensimmäinen Northern Lights Villagen avattiin vuonna 2016. Levin resort on tarjonnut uniikkeja majoitusvaihtoehtoja revontulikotien muodossa vuodesta 2019. Lisäksi palveluvalikoimaamme kuuluvat ravintola, saunat, safaritalo sekä monipuoliset ohjelmat. Haemme Northern Lights Village Leville taitavaa ja aktiivistahuoltomiestä. Työn kuvaus
Suorittaa päivittäisiä huoltotöitä ja säännöllisiä tarkastuksia
Mitä odotamme sinulta
Kokemusta rakennusten ja ulkotilojen kunnossapidosta
Voimassa oleva B-ajokortti
Sujuva suullinen ja kirjallinen englanti
Vahvat ongelmanratkaisutaidot ja huolellisuus
Reagoi nopeasti huoltopyyntöihin.
Kyky työskennellä itsenäisesti ja osana tiimiä
Eduksi luettavat asiat
Tekninen tai ammatillinen koulutus alalta, kuten putkimiehen / sähköasentajan tutkinto
Sujuva suomen kieli englannin lisäksi
Kilpailukykyinen palkka
Ammattitaidon kehittämisen ja koulutuksen mahdollisuudet
Positiivinen ja tukeva työympäristö
NLV:n työsuhde-edut
Palkka ja työn kesto
Työ alkaa: Lokakuussa ja päättyy huhtikuussa
Vähintään 90 työtuntia 3 viikon jaksossa
Tuntipalkka neuvotellaan haastattelussa osaamisen ja kokemuksen mukaan
Tarvittaessa tarjoamme majoituksen jaetussa huoneessa 250€ /kk
Ennen hakemista varmista, että sinulla on oikeus työskennellä Suomessa. Tule mukaan tekemään asiakkaidemme lomasta unohtumaton elämys ja täytä hakemus!
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available