Join Our Culinary Team: Cook Position Available at Northern Lights Village Levi!
The Northern Lights Village brand was born in 2016 and since then we have opened three resorts in Finnish Lapland. We pride ourselves in delivering consistently warm and personalized service to our guests. Everyone working at the Northern Lights Village embraces this mission with great care and responsibility. We appreciate the insight of every individual and see our employees as our most valuable resource.
Our guests are truly international and so is our team, speaking all together 17 languages!
About the Role
We are seeking a skilled and passionate Cook to join our kitchen team. This role is crucial in delivering high-quality, flavorful, and visually appealing dishes to our guests, contributing significantly to their overall experience at Northern Lights Village. In our restaurant, we mainly serve buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner, with occasional à la carte orders and special groups.
Key Responsibilities
Prepare and cook meals with attention to quality, presentation, and timely service
Maintain a clean and organized kitchen environment
Collaborate with kitchen staff to ensure a smooth operation
Adhere to food safety and hygiene standards
Manage inventory and resources efficiently
Contribute to menu development with innovative ideas
2 or more years of experience as a cook
Finnish food hygiene proficiency
Fluent written and spoken English and Finnish
Knowledge of various cooking techniques and cuisine
Strong understanding of food hygiene and safety regulations
Excellent time management and organizational skills
Ability to work effectively in a team
A passion for food and creativity in the kitchen
Beneficial Qualifications
Knowledge of Finnish or other languages, in addition to English
Experience with Nordic cuisine
Dietary and allergen knowledge
Valid B drivers’ license
What We Offer
Competitive salary
Opportunities for professional development and training
A positive and supportive working environment
Discounts across our properties and facilities
Pay, duration and benefits
Starts: October, Ends: March/April
Minimum 90 working hours per 3 weeks period
Hourly pay negotiated in an interview, according to knowledge and experience
Other benefits according to the collective labor agreement
If necessary, the resort provides accommodation in a shared room for €250,00/month
How to Apply
Before applying, please ensure you have the right to work in Finland. Please note that due to the high volume of applications, we may not reply to applications that do not fulfill the stated requirements. Should your application meet the initial selection criteria, you will receive a reply in early August at the latest. If you are passionate about cooking and ready to take on a new challenge, we would love to hear from you. Please send your CV and a covering letter explaining why you think you would be perfect for the role of Cook to our recruitment team. Join us and help maintain our reputation for excellence. Apply today! - Kokki Ensimmäinen Northern Lights Village avattiin vuonna 2016. Levin resort on tarjonnut uniikkeja majoitusvaihtoehtoja revontulikotien muodossa vuodesta 2019. Lisäksi palveluvalikoimaamme kuuluvat ravintola, saunat, safaritalo sekä monipuoliset ohjelmat. Etsimme tiimiimme kokenutta ja innokasta buffet-kokkia tulevalle talvisesongille. Odotamme sinulta paineensietokykyä, hyviä yhteistyötaitoja, sekä joustavaa ja iloista asennetta. Työn kuvaus
Valmistaa ja laittaa ruokia huomioiden laadun, esillepanon ja nopean palvelun
Ylläpitää siistiä ja järjestyksellistä keittiöympäristöä
Noudattaa elintarvikehygienia- ja turvallisuusstandardeja
Hallinnoi varastoja ja resursseja tehokkaasti
Vähintään 2 vuoden kokemus kokkina
Suomen elintarvikehygieniakortti
Sujuva suullinen ja kirjallinen englanti ja suomi
Tuntemus erilaisista ruoanvalmistustekniikoista ja keittiöistä
Vahva ymmärrys elintarvikehygienia- ja turvallisuusmääräyksistä
Erinomaiset ajanhallinta- ja organisointitaidot
Kyky työskennellä tehokkaasti tiimissä
Intohimo ruokaan ja luovuus keittiössä
Voimassa oleva B-ajokortti
Kilpailukykyinen palkka
Positiivinen ja tukeva työympäristö
NLV:n työsuhde-edut
Palkka ja työnkesto
Työ alkaa loka / marraskuussa ja päättyy maalis / huhtikuussa
Vähintään 90 työtuntia 3 viikon jaksossa
Tuntipalkka neuvotellaan haastattelussa osaamisen ja kokemuksen mukaan
Tarvittaessa tarjoamme majoituksen jaetussa huoneessa 250€ / kk
Ennen hakemista varmista, että sinulla on oikeus työskennellä Suomessa. Tule mukaan tekemään asiakkaidemme lomasta unohtumaton elämys ja täytä hakemus!
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available