The Team Leader Key Responsibilities are:
- Provide supervision to staff in the use of evidenced based skills and processes associated with reductions in re-offending (including use of the case management framework, use of risk assessment tool, and providing targeted interventions including collaborative problem solving, pro-social modelling, cognitive techniques, and restorative justice).
- Allocate, prioritise and quality assure individual tasks in accordance with departmental procedures and statutory, financial, and administrative delegations.
- Participate in professional development and maintain knowledge of contemporary, evidence-based practice in work with young people who offend, including accreditation as required.
- Oversee the suicide risk management process in the youth justice service centre.
- Provide timely advice and assistance on complex matters to ensure the delivery of quality youth justice casework and restorative justice practices.
- Participate as a member of the youth justice service centre staff and management teams and contribute to strategic and operational planning, reviews, and key decision-making.
- Develop collaborative, professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders to facilitate cooperation on case related matters and restorative justice processes.
- Assist in identifying trends and issues in client service delivery and evaluating client outcomes, including performance reporting, to ensure coordinated local service delivery.
- Oversee the Restorative Justice process in the youth justice service centre.
- Provide ongoing recruitment, selection, professional development and culturally appropriate supervision and leadership to staff.
- Contribute to a departmental culture that ensures sensitive and effective communication with people from other cultures including people from First Nations backgrounds as well as an appreciation of cultural protocols and an awareness of the impacts of historical policies and practices.
Interested in Applying?
To enable us to assess your suitability, your applications should include:
Tell us about your skills:
- Your current resume detailing your previous work or voluntary experience including two referees who have a thorough knowledge of your conduct and performance over the past 2 years, or an appropriate period, or an appropriate period and a First Nations referee who can attest to your ability to deliver against the 'division and key responsibilities' listed above.
- We will use your resume to assess how well you meet 'What are we looking for' statements.
Tell us about you:
- Provide a short statement (of no more than two pages) telling us why you are interested in this role and outlining what your motivation is to join us.
- This should also summarise your skills, experience and achievements against the leadership competencies/capabilities and duties/responsibilities.
Options for attracting First Nations people, people from diverse backgrounds and people with disabilities.
Applicants can provide information to demonstrate their skills against the capabilities of the role profile by including the following statement in the role profile:
- To apply for the role, your application should include something that outlines why you want to do this role and demonstrates your skills and experience to make a difference.
Examples of flexible and creative options:
- Visual representation of your story with a written/video explanation of its meaning
- One page outline of your skills and experience
- Short 5 minute video explaining your skills and experience.
Applications to remain current for 12 months.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.