Team Meetings
- Chairs team meetings: eligibility determination FOR initial and re-evaluation meetings.
- Chairs annual reviews under the following conditions: student with a TA, any potential change in placement (i.e. emergency meeting for a 45 day placement, hospitalization) change in related services, transition planning, new student from another district, receipt of outside evaluation within mandated timelines, other special circumstances as determined by Coordinator.
- Coordinates the scheduling of all annual reviews and reevaluations w/technology and clerical support
IEP Process and Monitoring
- Reviews all IEP reports prior to meeting.
- Sets due dates for receipt of written evaluation reports
- Summarizes key results.
- Records parent concerns and Team vision.
- Drafts PLEP A and B with input from Team.
- Assures alignment of all sections of IEP.
- Oversees goals.
- Insures FAPE (free and appropriate education).
- Insures that the Team identifies and provides educationally relevant and required services.
- Responsible for content/service delivery/placement of final IEP incorporating input from team meeting.
- Finalizes IEP’s per district protocols.
- Reviews progress reports.
- Oversees adherence to entrance/exit criteria for programs, and services.
- Monitors all students monthly who have Services Only IEPs in private tuition schools (i.e. St. Agnes)
- Provides monthly report to coordinator numbers of students on IEP’s at the building level including private pay students.