QUALIFICATIONS: 1. NC Teaching License Academically Gifted License (K-12) 2. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.
REPORTS TO: Academically or Intellectually Gifted License AIG Coordinator
School Principal(s)
Provides direct services to AIG students.
Collaborates, co-teaches, and co-plans with cluster teachers as they differentiate curriculum and instruction for AIG students.
Collaborates with and supports regular classroom teachers as they nurture students who show potential for giftedness.
Plans and facilitates extensions of classroom experiences aligned with the student’s DEP and level of talent and/or giftedness.
Coordinates school-wide communications and serves as a resource for gifted education at the school level.
Facilitates meetings of the school Gifted Identification Team including gathering required data, completing required paperwork, administering recommended assessments, and communicating results.
Facilitates annual parent/teacher conferences to write differentiated education plans.
Collaborates with the school data manager to update AIG student records.
Facilitates the annual enrollment count of gifted students (at the school level).
Assists the principal(s) by providing up-to-date lists of AIG students (and their areas/levels of identification) in preparation for yearly clustering.
Provides transition information to students and parents as AIG students transition from elementary to middle school and from middle to high school.
Works with the director to re-vise the LEA plan for gifted education.
Communicates to cluster teachers any opportunities for professional development relating to gifted education.
Facilitates collaboration between students and school counselors to ensure class schedules meet individual AIG students’ needs and/or career plans.
Leads/provides professional development, coaching and technical assistance at the school and district levels.
Strives to maintain and improve professional competence.
Attends faculty and staff meetings and serves on school-based committees as required.
Assists the principal(s) in implementing all policies and/or rules governing student life and conduct, develops reasonable rules for classroom behavior and procedures, and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and just manner.
Any alternatives to the above responsibilities that the director and/or principal(s) may deem appropriate and necessary.
Analyzes student and cluster growth data to determine effectiveness of instructional plan.
Provides support and information to high school students on enrichment opportunities, grants, scholarship applications and collegiate admission applications.