NICE – The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
TA and HST appeal panel life sciences industry representative
Before you consider applying for this role, please ensure you read the conflicts of interest section of the attached applicant information document and refer to NICEs policy on declaring and managing interests for NICE advisory committees Responsibilities: Contribute to the panel deliberations from their own specialist knowledge whilst respecting input from non-specialists and lay persons. Apply your own experience and judgement to the topics under discussion Work with other members of the Appeal Panel to identify key issues relating to the grounds of appeal Prepare for appeal hearings by reading the substantive papers and communicate by email between meetings Work with the Appeal Panel to formulate the appeal decision Understand the needs and experiences of NHS staff and patients, and be able to effectively communicate a balanced view when dealing with difficult situations at appeals that will impact the NHS and the life sciences industry Abide by NICEs policies and processes including declarations of interest Participate in induction training and other training which may be offered periodically