[ 글로벌 메이저 풍력발전 기업, Commercial Project Manger 초빙 ]근무지 : 서울업무내용1. Budget calculations and support of the local Sales team. 2. Contract and Variation Management with regards to all clients and the subcontractors 3. Cost monitoring and controlling during project realization. 4. Commercial cost and activity accounting. 5. Preparation of offers for additional project works and services (electrical and civil works) 6. Supporting procurement team for purchasing of project services. 7. Support the project team in terms of commercial issues during the whole project life cycle, while adhering to company policies and procedures.지원자격1. 대졸이상2. Knowledge and/ or practical experience in variation/ project/contract management. 3. Excellent English skills are required. 4. Great communication and negotiating skills. 5. Proficiency in all MS Office. 6. Have a positive, pro-active approach to working in a team environment along with excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. 7. Independent and self-motivated working style.제출 서류- MS Word 국/영문 이력서 & 경력기술서 (현재연봉 및 희망연봉 기재) 제출 및 문의- 김세종 부장- 010-6550-8878- kelly@people-insight.kr