Job Opportunities in Portugal

September 12, 2024

Centro de Estudos Sociais


Research Studentship - Communication and Dissemination

Call for applications – 1 (one) vacancy

Research Studentship – Communication and Dissemination

The Centre for Social Studies (CES) – Associate Laboratory – University of Coimbra (Portugal), calls for
applications for one position for a Research Studentship with a focus on Communication and
Dissemination Manager activities (CES/16/2024-BI-INSITU), within the project “IN SITU: Place-based
Innovation of Cultural and Creative Industries in Non-urban Areas” (Grant Agreement 101061747), funded
by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission under the framework
programme Horizon Europe 2021-2027, and coordinated by the Principal Investigator (PI) Nancy Duxbury

a. Project Description:
The IN SITU project combines research and experimental actions to advance the innovation-related
practices, capacities, and potential of CCIs based in non-urban areas of the EU, a constituency of the CCIs
sector that has grown in visibility and significance over the last decade in Europe and internationally but
which is still vulnerable due to the lagging attention of research and policy to its needs, characteristics, and
potentials. The project aims to advance understanding of the forms, processes, and governance of
innovation involving cultural and creative industries (CCIs) located in non-urban areas of Europe and to
advance the ability of non-urban CCIs to act as drivers of innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability
for the locales in which they are located. IN SITU brings together leading approaches to investigating
economic evolution and diversification, a challenge-oriented approach to processes of innovation, non-urban
place-based planning and development, and creative industries entrepreneurship to investigate the situation
of CCIs in non-urban areas. The project couples this with a pragmatic capacity-building programme to
enable CCIs to address some of the key issues of their communities/region.

The core defining aspect of IN SITU is the interlinking of research and practice through place-based IN SITU
Labs, hubs for case studies in 6 non-urban regions across Europe, located in Portugal, Ireland, Iceland,
Finland, Latvia, and Croatia. Involving both Europe-wide research and place-based experimentation, IN
SITU will provide an in-depth knowledge of the direct and indirect effects, cross-sectoral connections and
spillovers, innovative strategies and systems, and needs of CCI practitioners in non-urban areas.
Complementary to this, the project will assess and advance the multi-level innovation and culture policy
and planning frameworks that contextualise and can enable this work. For more information, see the project
Expected duration of project execution: 48 months, starting July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2026.

b. Scientific field:
Journalism, Science Communication, or similar field

c. Work plan, tasks:
To support the realization of the research communication and dissemination plans of the IN SITU project,
the selected candidate is expected to have the following responsibilities:

1. Manage and continually update the project website, social media channels, and other platforms for
communication of the project and the non-urban cultural and creative ecosystems it investigates to the
2. Support for IN SITU promotion in all components of its activity.

3. Plan, design and organise communication and dissemination activities included in the workplan of the
project, including a newsletter (each 6 months), press releases, a podcast series and events, among other
planned items.
4. Lead the development of communication materials about the project and ensure they are regularly
5. Design and develop digital and printable materials for promotion and dissemination of project activities
and results to academic and non-academic audiences.
6. Contribute to the preparation of reports and the development of scientific production in the area.
7. Working with the PI and Project Manager, contribute to strategies, the management of meetings, and
communications with the IN SITU Outreach Partners (European and international).
8. Support the project networking efforts with other relevant initiatives, consortia, and European projects.
9. Develop and manage external contacts database.

10. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the research communication and dissemination plans of the
IN SITU project, with specific dissemination strategies for different types of audiences, as set in its initial
phase by the coordination team.
11. Contribute to the project’s report assessing the effectiveness of communication and knowledge

d. Applicable Legislation and Regulations:
Portuguese Law nº 40/2004, of 18 August (Scientific Research Fellow Statute) and following amendments;
FCT’s (National Agency for Science and Technology) Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of
Human Resources, and Regulations for Fellowships at the Centre for Social Studies.
Template of the fellowship contract:
Template of the final activities report:

e. Workplace:
The tasks will be performed at the Centre for Social Studies facilities or in other locations when necessary
for the good implementation of the work plan, under the scientific supervision of the Project’s Principal

f. Duration of the fellowship contract:
The fellowship will last 12 months, starting in October 2024. The fellowship contract may be extended for
equal or different time periods, until its maximum legal duration to the end of the project (30/06/2026),
depending on the scientific needs of the project, its financial provisions, and on the PI’s assessment of the
fellow’s performance.

g. Application dates:
Opens on: September 12, 2024
Closes on: October 2, 2024

After October 2, applications will not be considered for evaluation.

h. Application process:
Applications must include:
a) a letter of intent/motivation in English with the contest reference (CES/16/2024-BI-INSITU), e-mail and
phone number;
b) detailed Curriculum Vitae;
c) copies of degree certificates (note: candidates must meet the eligibility conditions indicated in point k.);
d) copy of the enrolment in a master’s or Ph D programme in the academic year 2024/2025 or copy of the
enrolment in a non-academic course that is integrated in the pedagogical project of a higher education
institution (note: candidates must meet the eligibility conditions indicated in point k.);
e) examples of previous writing, e.g., press release, essay/article;

f) other relevant documents for eligibility purposes.

Applications should be sent by email to until the final deadline, and will be valid only
after a reading receipt is sent. Applications must include a clear indication of the reference of this call

i. Preferred selection criteria and their weighing:
1. Higher education in social sciences, with a preference for science communication studies, journalism,
cultural studies, or similar field (10%);
2. Previous experience and knowledge in communication and dissemination of research activities;
management of social networks; development of promotion strategies for different audiences; design and
management of platforms and digital content; use of communication tools (e.g., wordpress, mailchimp,
graphic design software, and social media platforms); creation of multimedia resources; organisation and
management of projects and events (40%);
3. Proficiency in English (25%);
4. Interest in developing research work within the scope of the project’s thematic areas (10%);
5. Training in research methodologies (10%);
6. Availability for national and international travel (5%).

The jury reserves the right not to select any candidate.

j. Monthly Allowance
According to the Regulations for Fellowships at the Centre for Social Studies, the monthly stipends are as
follows: master’s degree holder: 1 259,64 euros (net); for master’s student (holder of a bachelor’s degree):
990,98 euros (net). The payment of the Voluntary Social Insurance and the Personal Accident Insurance
adds up to this amount.

k. Mandatory requirements
1. Hold a higher education degree in social sciences, with a preference for science communication studies,
journalism, cultural studies, or similar field (see conditions in b) below);
2. Be a master’s or doctoral student or be enrolled in a non-academic course in Communication Sciences,
Journalism or similar field (see conditions in a) below);

a) Applicants must provide proof of enrolment in a master’s or doctoral degree programme or in a non-
academic course in the current academic year. If at the time of application, the applicant does not have a
valid document proving their enrolment, they must send a declaration of honour in which they state to

undertake the enrolment within a maximum period of 30 days after the communication of the results, under
penalty of not contracting the scholarship.

b) Applicants with an academic degree and diploma issued by a foreign Higher Education Institution must
present proof of recognition of the academic degree by the Portuguese Higher Education System, (law
DL66/2018). Any candidate without the recognition of the degree(s) will be admitted to the competition,
but during the evaluation process the selection panel cannot:
i) recognise the candidate’s grades and assess according to the possession of such grades;
ii) give equivalence to, or validate, the grade of her/his degree;
iii) use that note or its conversion as an evaluation parameter.

The selected candidate must deliver the recognition of the degree within 30 days after the communication
of the results. After the 30 days, the jury may decide to either 1. extend the deadline for the candidate to
prove the recognition; 2. assign the fellowship to the second place; 3. or not award the fellowship.

l. Selection process
Applicants will be selected based on their curricular evaluation. In case of equivalent curricular evaluations,
the best-positioned applicants should be short-listed for an interview, meant to assess the applicant’s
potential in integrating the project's scientific dynamic, his/her motivation in pursuing studies related to the
project’s thematic areas, and his/her experience related to the communication and dissemination
management. Each of the two methods of selection applied will have a rating of 50% in the final

m. Selection panel:
  • Nancy Duxbury (president)
  • Silvia Ferreira (permanent member)
  • Hugo Pinto (permanent member)
  • Paulo Peixoto (permanent member)
  • Antonieta Reis Leite (substitute member)

n. Communication of Results:
All candidates will receive the results by email. The meeting minutes of the selection panel will become
publicly available. After the communication of results, applicants have 10 working days to present a redress
to the evaluation and the result by email.

o. Other complementary information:
Equality of opportunities:

CES abides by the national law that regulates the prevention, prohibition and fighting against discrimination
on the grounds of racial and ethnic identity, colour, nationality, family background, and territory of origin
(Law nº 93/2017, 23 August).

Data protection:
By submitting your application, you are agreeing with the use of your personal data by CES administrative
services for the sole purpose of the current call, namely to be contacted directly by CES services and allow
the communication of results as in point n. of this call. CES abides by the principles of GPDR.

Centro de Estudos Sociais
Colégio S. Jerónimo, Apartado 3087
3000-995 Coimbra, Portugal

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