Job Opportunities in Portugal

September 11, 2024

Centro de Estudos Sociais


Research Studentship

Call for applications – 1 (one) vacancy


The Centre for Social Studies (CES) – Associate Laboratory - University of Coimbra (Portugal), opens a call
for applications for 1 research studentship (CES/15/2024-BI-HOUSEnomics) in the project “External
demands in the Portuguese housing market: multidimensional impacts and the role of public policies
[Procuras externas na habitação em Portugal: impactos multidimensionais e o papel das políticas públicas]”,
reference 2023.10533.S4P23, funded by the Portuguese Government, through the Centro de Competências
de Planeamento, de Políticas e de Prospetiva da Administração Pública (Plan APP), and coordinated by Ana

CES provides a stimulating intellectual environment in the domain of social sciences and humanities. The
project is part of the research line (Semi)peripheral Capitalism: Crises and Alternatives, that brings together
research on the main socio-economic transformations of capitalist societies over the last half century, on
the position of vulnerability of the peripheries and semi-peripheries and on the unequal impacts that crises

a. Project Description:
HOUSEnomics: External demands in the Portuguese housing market: multidimensional impacts and the role
of public policies

HOUSEnomics is a research project designed to bring together analytical perspectives of political economy,
social geography, and urban studies to examine the effects of external demands on Portuguese housing
market. Its research proposal places itself in the intersection of these disciplinary debates, drawing on the
experience and previous work of the team on the housing policies in Portugal, within several publications
(reports, scientific articles, policy reports) on the theme in the last years. This project allows to deepen the
subject of research and provides evidence-based policy recommendations for future policy action.

Expected duration of project execution: 12 months, starting September 3rd, 2024.

b. Scientific field:
Social and Human Sciences, preference for students in the areas of political economy, social geography,
sociology and urban studies, among others.

c. Work plan, tasks:
The selected researcher is expected to have the following responsibilities:
i. Assistance in fulfilling the scientific tasks set out in the project application, specifically literature
review, characterizing and mapping of the Portuguese housing market;

ii. Support for the writing of project progress reports and preparation of publications;
iii. Report on findings, future policy recommendations, dissemination of knowledge and collaboration
with public institutions.

d. Applicable Legislation and Regulations:
Portuguese Law nº 40/2004, of 18 August (Scientific Research Fellow Statute) and following amendments;
FCT’s (National Agency for Science and Technology) Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of
Human Resources, and Regulations for Fellowships at the Centre for Social Studies.

e. Work place:
The tasks will be performed at the Centre for Social Studies facilities or in other locations when necessary
for the good implementation of the work plan, under the scientific supervision of the Project’s Principal

f. Duration of the fellowship contract:
The fellowship will last 6 months, starting in November 1st, 2024. The fellowship contract may be extended
until the end of the project.

g. Application dates:
From 11 to 30 September, 2024.

h. Application process:
Applications must include:
a) A letter of intent/motivation in English with the contest reference (CES/15/2024-BI-HOUSEnomics),
e-mail and phone number;
b) Detailed Curriculum Vitae;
c) Copies of degree certificates;
d) Copy of the enrolment for the Ph D in the academic year 2024/2025 or copy of the enrolment in a
non-academic degree, but integrated in the pedagogical project of a higher education institution
(note: candidates must meet the eligibility conditions indicated in point k.);
e) Other relevant documents for eligibility purposes.

Applications should be sent by email to until the final deadline, and will be valid only
after a reading receipt is sent. Applications must include a clear indication of the reference of this call


i. Preferred selection criteria and their weighing:
1. Motivation letter (20%);
2. Previous research experience in projects with similar topics (20%);
3. Documented training in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies (20%);
4. Excellent communication skills, including both written expression and public presentations, in
Portuguese and English (10%);
5. Teamwork skills, initiative and autonomy (10%);
6. Publication sample of written works (20%).

The jury reserves the right not to select any candidate.


j. Monthly Allowance
The monthly stipend is 1259,64 euros according with the Regulations for Fellowships at the Centre for Social
Studies and at FCT (
2024.pdf ). The payment of the Voluntary Social Insurance and the Personal Accident Insurance adds up to
this amount.


k. Mandatory requirements
1. Be a doctoral student or have a master's degree and be enrolled in a course that does not confer an
academic degree but is part of the educational project of a higher education institution (see
associated conditions in a);
2. Hold a bachelor's or master's degree in the area of Social Sciences and/or humanities (see associated
conditions in b);

a) Applicants must provide proof of enrolment in a doctoral or non-academic degree course, in the
current academic year. If at the time of application, the applicant does not have a valid document
proving their enrolment, they must send a declaration of honour in which they state to undertake
the enrolment within a maximum period of 30 days after the communication of the results, under
penalty of not contracting the scholarship;
b) Applicants with an academic degree and diploma issued by a foreign Higher Education Institution
must present proof of recognition of the academic degree by the Portuguese Higher Education

System, (law DL66/2018). Any candidate without the recognition of the degree(s) will be
admitted to the competition, but during the evaluation process the selection panel, cannot:
i) recognize the candidate's grades and assess according to the possession of such grades;
ii) give equivalence to, or validate, the grade of her/his degree;
iii) use that note or its conversion as an evaluation parameter.

In case of selection, the fellowship contract can only be signed after the recognition of the academic degree
by the Portuguese authorities, under the terms of the Law-decree n66/2018, August 16. The selected
candidate must deliver the recognition of the degree within 30 days after the communication of the results.
After the 30 days, the jury may decide to 1. either extend the deadline for the candidate to prove the
recognition; 2. assign the fellowship to the second place; 3. or not award the fellowship.


l. Selection process
Applicants will be selected based on their curricular evaluation. In case of equivalent curricular evaluations,
the best-positioned applicants should be short-listed for an interview, meant to assess the applicant’s
potential in integrating the project's scientific dynamic and his/her motivation in pursuing studies related to
the project’s thematic areas. Each of the two methods of selection applied will have a rating of 50% in the
final classification.

m. Selection panel:
  • Ana Drago (President)
  • Ana Cordeiro Santos (Permanent member)
  • Raquel Ribeiro (Permanent member)
  • João Rodrigues (Substitute member)

n. Communication of Results:
All candidates will receive the results by email. The meeting minutes of the selection panel will become
available publicly. After the communication of results, applicants have 10 working days to present a redress
to the evaluation and the result by email.


Equality of opportunities:
CES abides by the national law that regulates the prevention, prohibition and fighting against discrimination
on the grounds of racial and ethnic identity, colour, nationality, family background, and territory of origin
(Law nº 93/2017, 23 August).

Data protection:
By submitting your application, you are agreeing with the use of your personal data by CES administrative
services for the sole purpose of the current call, namely to be contacted directly by CES services and allow
the communication of results as in point n. of this call. CES abides by the principles of GPDR.

Centro de Estudos Sociais
Colégio S. Jerónimo, Apartado 3087
3000-995 Coimbra, Portugal

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