Pa RK International School is a top-tier international school based in the beautiful city of Lisbon, that aims to guide and inspire students to be happy and successful in their adult lives. The school has built a reputation for gaining outstanding academic results whilst ensuring every member of the community is treated as an individual. Students leave our school prepared for academic excellence, proficient in more than one language and comfortable with exploring their own academic curiosity through research and exploration.
Pa RK is a true international community serving students from over 60 different countries. Pa RK students make friends for life and understand the importance of service within one’s neighbourhood and the World through practical engagement.
While Pa RK is an organisation committed to academic excellence, we believe that this is only possible if we are also committed to the personal and professional growth of our staff. All staff are encouraged to engage in professional development activities, working with other colleagues to improve their practice and the practice of others.
All staff at Par K IS are actively involved in the pastoral life of school, the school strives to ensure students reach their academic potential whilst still being able to develop key social skills needed to thrive later in life. The role will also offer the opportunity for contribution to co-curricular clubs and enrichment.
To join our team, in August 2025, we are looking for a well-qualified and talented Head of Humanities to lead a department consisting of Geography, History, Global Perspectives and Psychology. The ability to teach any of these subjects at A-Level or IBDP Level would be an advantage.