Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Advertisement No. IITH/HR/Faculty Rectt (R)/2/2024-25
Date: 17-10-2024
Sub: Faculty recruitment at IIT Hyderabad
Ref: The Institute’s advertisement No. IITH/HR/Faculty Rectt (R)/2/2024-25, Dated:
It is hereby notified for information to the prospective candidates that the following
amendments are hereby made to the aforesaid advertisement:
The existing experience criteria mentioned under para 2.4 in respect of Professor position,
stands replaced with the following criteria.
“Experience: A minimum of 10 years teaching/research/professional experience after
completion of Ph D, of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor
in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, and IISERs. Personnel from R&D labs and Industry with
exceptional track record, with a Ph D degree, can also apply”.
The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area of
specialization in terms of guidance of MTech and Ph D students, and has a strong record of
sponsored research, publications in reputed journals (Q1/Q2 or similar high-quality journals)
and refereed conferences (A* and A or similar high-quality conferences), patents,
laboratory/course development and other recognized relevant professional activities.