To provide a nurturing and stimulating classroom and academy environment that helps students to develop as learners
To maintain/establish positive behaviour for learning across the whole academy
To contribute to the effective working of the academy
To support students in the acquisition and development of learning dispositions and positive character traits
To provide stimulating and enriching extra-curricular/enrichment opportunities for students and potentially for members of the wider school community
To be accountable for student progress and attainment levels in the subject.
Plan and prepare well-structured, clearly presented lessons appropriate to the abilities of all students and the syllabus being taught
Make sure that the classroom is a stimulating environment that facilitates learning
Generate enthusiasm for the subject being taught and inspire all students to work to their potential
Liaise with the Head of Department and Learning Support where a student may have special educational needs and with the form tutor and Head of House if a student is experiencing pastoral difficulties
Promote high standards of behaviour by encouraging a positive, proactive approach to study and build productive relationships with students
Set homework according to policy and pertinent to the student’s ability and wider workload
Promote high standards of organisation
Be punctual to lessons
Promote high standards in the use of English as the common language and help develop English for Academic Progress.