- Please describe the benefits that come with the position (s.a. equipment, position-specific training, team, responsibility etc.)
- Jobticket, optional for the entire Rhine-Main area
- Extensive human resources development offer
- Flexible working time arrangements
The position is paid according to Joboffer.Cost Center and to be filled immediately. [The position is [permanent; temporary for a fixed term until; limited to a period of]].
JGU is diverse and welcomes qualified applications from people with varied backgrounds.
[in the administrative or technical field]
Applications from older candidates are welcome.
[for management positions, IT or technical field]]
We aim to increase the number of women in [the technical field; in the IT field; in management positions] and therefore encourage female candidates to apply.
Candidates with severe disabilities and appropriate qualifications will be given priority.
Are you ready for a new challenge and interested in this varied and responsible position? Then submit your complete application [cover letter, resume, references], preferably
For questions and further information please contact first name last name by phone 06131/39-DW or e-mail: name@uni-mainz.de.