Doctoral Researcher (Machine design and multibody dynamics) / Väitöskirjatutkija (Koneensuunnittelu ja monirunkodynamiikka)
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society.
Within the unit of Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, we are recruiting one (1) doctoral position. The unit has about 20 professors and 100 research staff in the areas of Robotics, Automation, and Mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is one of the core areas of education and research of the faculty. The position is opened in the Machine Design group.
Our group concentrates on machine design, multibody system dynamics, contact modelling, vibration analysis that can be used for model-based condition monitoring of different machine system, particularly for heavy machine and train-track system.
Job description
We are looking for a Doctoral Researcher in the areas of machine design, multibody system dynamics and contact modelling. Successful candidates will pursue a doctoral degree at Tampere University. Full-time doctoral studies are expected to be completed in three years.
We seek a motivated and self-guided person with strong theoretical background who is interested in creating new knowledge for academia and industry in the field of model-driven and/or data-driven frictional contact models for different machine application.
As a Doctoral Researcher you are expected to perform overviews of state of the art, to study the principles of multibody dynamics, friction formulation, machine design, vibration analysis and experimentation instrumentation. You are also expected to develop the computational dynamics algorithms, to generate experimental results, analyze and validate them on use case(s) through comparison with the state of the art.
The results of your research will be disseminated in scientific peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, doctoral network events and events with industry. The tasks of doctoral researcher also include teaching duties that amount to approximately 5% of their annual working hours, unless there are justified reasons to the contrary.
You need to have a master’s degree in mechanical engineering or a related field and have demonstrated (during your studies towards the Master’s degree or otherwise) the competence and motivation to pursue postgraduate studies. Please be prepared to provide proof of your merits when requested.
Strong background at MSc level in
- Mechanical Engineering: dynamic simulation, vehicle system dynamics and machine design.
- Proficiency in coding, such as Matlab, Python or C++.
- Signal processing and experimental experience in accelerometers, gyroscope and IMU.
- Good command of both written and spoken English.
Successful candidates must be pursuing or will be accepted to study towards a doctoral degree in the doctoral programme of the discipline. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements.
Candidates are selected based on the level of promise that they show, and this will be evaluated on the basis of their study and research plans, their previous success in studies, and merits in writing the doctoral thesis and / or scientific publishing.
Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition bildung, and learner-centredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.
We offer
The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of maximum three (3) years. The starting date is 1 January 2025 or as mutually agreed. A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees.
The salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities. A typical starting salary for Doctoral Researchers is approximately 2,700 EUR/month. The salary increases based on experience and the progress of doctoral studies.
We are inviting you to be a part of a vibrant, active and truly international research community. We value interdisciplinarity, as it allows you to expand your research network and exposes you to new perspectives and ideas to solve complex research problems and pursue novel research findings. We are strongly committed to the highest level of scientific research and the provision of high-quality doctoral education.
As a member of staff at Tampere University, you will enjoy a range of competitive benefits, such as occupational health care services, flexible work schedule, versatile research infrastructure, modern teaching facilities and a safe and inviting campus area as well as a personal fund to spend on sports and cultural activities in your free time. Please read more about working at Tampere University. You can also find more information about us and working and living Tampere by watching our video: Tampere Higher Education Community - our academic playground.
Finland is among the most stable, free and safe countries in the world, based on prominent ratings by various agencies. Tampere is the largest inland city of Finland, and the city is counted among the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries. Tampere region is the most rapidly growing urban area in Finland and home to a vibrant knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland’s information society. Tampere is also surrounded by vivid nature with forests and lakes, providing countless opportunities for easy-to-access outdoor adventures and refreshment throughout the year.
Read more about Finland and Tampere:
- Visit Finland
- This is Finland
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment: Welcome to Finland
- Visit Tampere
How to apply
Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is 19th November 2024 (23:59 EET / UTC +2). Please write your application and all the accompanying documentation in English and attach them in PDF format.
Please attach only the following documents to your application:
- Curriculum Vitae, e.g., according to TENK guidelines
- List of publications
- A letter of motivation, highlighting your achievements and ambition. Please indicate your preferred topic of research from the job descriptions and your most important work/publications and/or other achievements.
- Short listed applicants will be asked to submit a short research plan.
- Pdf copy of your MSc and BSc degree certificates, including transcripts of all university records and their English translations (Finnish and Swedish certificates are also accepted).
- Certificate of language proficiency.
For further information, please contact:
Assistant Professor, Xinxin Yu, Xinxin.yu (at)
Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat korkeakouluyhteisön, joka uskoo ihmiseen ja tieteeseen. Tekniikan, terveyden ja yhteiskunnan huippuosaajat muuttavat maailmaa Suomen toiseksi suurimmassa monitieteisessä ja innostavassa tutkimus- ja oppimisympäristössä.
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunnan Automaatiotekniikan ja konetekniikan yksikössä haemme yhtä (1) väitöskirjatutkijaa. Yksikössä työskentelee noin 20 professoria ja 100 tutkijaa robotiikan, automaation ja konepajatekniikan aloilla. Konetekniikka on yksi tiedekunnan koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen ydinalueista. Tehtävä avataan koneensuunnitteluryhmässä.
Ryhmämme keskittyy koneensuunnitteluun, monirunkojärjestelmän dynamiikkaan, kosketusmallinnukseen, värähtelyanalyysiin, joita voidaan käyttää eri konejärjestelmien mallipohjaiseen kunnonvalvontaan, erityisesti raskaaseen koneeseen ja junaratajärjestelmään.
Haemme väitöskirjatutkijaa koneensuunnittelun, monirunkojärjestelmän dynamiikan ja kontaktimallinnuksen aloille. Päätoimisten tohtoriopintojen odotetaan valmistuvan kolmessa vuodessa.
Etsimme motivoitunutta ja itseohjautuvaa henkilöä, jolla on vahva teoreettinen tausta ja joka on kiinnostunut luomaan uutta tietoa korkeakouluille ja teollisuudelle mallipohjaisten ja/tai dataohjattujen kitkakontaktimallien alalla erilaisiin konesovelluksiin.
Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta.
Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta). Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 19.11.2024 klo 23.59.
Assistant Professor, Xinxin Yu, Xinxin.yu (at)
Application period starts: 2024-10-29 15:00Application period ends: 2024-11-19 23:59