Doctoral Researcher in positioning and tracking of non-connected objects for vehicular safety with mm-Wave frequencies (DC10/MiFuture)/ Väitöskirjatutkija, ympäristön aistiminen ja passiivisten kohteiden paikantaminen millimetriaaltotaajuuksilla
Doctoral Researcher in positioning and tracking of non-connected objects for vehicular safety with mm-Wave frequencies (DC10/Mi Future)/ Väitöskirjatutkija, ympäristön aistiminen ja passiivisten kohteiden paikantaminen millimetriaaltotaajuuksilla
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational, and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health, and society. Read more:
The Electrical Engineering unit at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences in the Tampere University invites applications for a MSCA Doctoral Candidate position in the field of mm-Wave positioning and sensing for aerial-user applications within the EU-funded MSCA industrial doctorate Mi Future ( Mi Future network will develop a high-level personalized multidisciplinary programme to provide 15 Ph.D. candidates, supervised by committed experts from the industry and academia, with research competences and transferable skills (e.g., entrepreneurship, project management, IPR, open access) with the long-term goal to lead scientific advances in the new concepts arising in the field of wireless communications. These creative young researchers will face real world implementation, work across multiple European countries and organizations, become knowledgeable in standardization activities, present at workshops in front of researchers and industrial stakeholders and interact with the general public to make them aware of how 6G can help in their daily lives. This application is for project #10 within the Mi Future network.
In order to be eligible, the applicant should not be in possession of a Ph D degree at the moment of being recruited. Recruited Doctoral Researcher can be of any nationality and must comply with the following mobility condition: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Finland for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays and time spent by the researcher as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention are not taken into account.
Job description The Doctoral Researcher will enroll as a Ph D student at TAU at latest by the date that their contract will start and will actively participate in all the research and training activities of Mi Future network, including participation to regular networking events and 3-month secondment to our academic partner, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), in Spain. The Doctoral Researcher will spend 18 months at TAU (including the 3-month secondment at UC3M) and 18 months at Ericsson, Finland. The offered contract at TAU is 18 months, to be complemented by an 18-month contract at Ericsson. The research work will focus on proposing sensing-based positioning enhancements of non-connected vehicles when sensing is done by the cellular network, based on ultra-massive MIMO and backscattered mm-wave signals, and when the positioning is done either at the vehicle side, or at the network side, or both. Parameter estimation and tracking of relevant parameters (e.g., Doppler, angle, etc.) will also be performed to support and enhance the positioning performance in vehicular scenarios. Besides, collision detection and prevention metrics will be developed based on mm-wave sensing. The researcher will also participate in all the Ph D-related activities (attending lectures and writing publications) required for a Ph D thesis at TAU and will also participate in writing project deliverables and disseminating the project results through various social media channels. Publications are very important during the project duration. The researcher will be provided with supervision in a cross-sectorial team with deep expertise on satellite-based wireless positioning and aerial applications, and with a blend of academic and industrial supervisors. Close collaborations with the other 14 doctoral researchers/doctoral candidates of the Mi Future network is also envisaged.
To be eligible to apply for the Doctoral Researcher position, you must have completed a master’s degree in a relevant area of engineering at the time of the application.
Successful candidate must fulfill the mobility condition explained above.
The successful candidate needs to apply for and be granted a study right for a doctoral degree in the doctoral program of the discipline at Tampere University. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements.
The applicant should have strong skills in Matlab, Python or equivalent programming languages.
Additional knowledge about wireless communications, digital signal processing, and machine learning is desirable.
Additional skills that are highly appreciated in this position are the willingness to work hard in a cross-sector and multi-cultural environment, ability to work both independently and in a team, and interest in a research career.
The applicant should not be in possession of a Ph D degree at the moment of being recruited.
Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary, and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition, and learner-centeredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.
We offer We offer a research-inspiring work environment with an excellent up-to-date infrastructure and a collaborative work community in the Tampere Hervanta campus, as well as high-quality support services for researchers. The University also offers a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities and several restaurants and cafés on campuses. Please read more about Working at Tampere Universities. The candidate must be selected simultaneously by Tampere University and Ericsson, Finland and will work 36 months in total in Mi Future network. Of those 36 months first 18 months will be at Tampere University and the following 18 months at Ericsson, Finland. The starting date of the employment is as soon as possible but no later than 31.12.2024. The salary will be based on MSCA Doctoral Candidate regulations and according to the country indexation coefficient. The gross salary for a fellow without a family is around 3 250€ and for a fellow with family (e.g., married/in recognized relationship/with children) is around 3 700€. In addition to this, the fellow will get yearly holiday bonus and increments based on the labor agreement. Tampere, located between two big lakes, is Finland’s second largest city area and the biggest inland city in the Nordic countries. The nature is close everywhere you turn your head in Tampere. This together with a strong tradition in industry make Tampere a unique environment for living and working. At present the region hosts a great deal of industry and service businesses, and the City of Tampere is a major hub for the Finnish ICT industry. For more information on Tampere, please check Visit Tampere, Welcome to Tampere and International House Tampere. Finland provides one of the most advanced and comprehensive social security in the world. It includes for example sickness benefits, various family benefits and a comprehensive healthcare system. For more information on Finland, please check Info Finland and This is Finland.
How to apply The closing date for applications is October 15th, 2024 at 23.59 CET. All application instructions can be found at this link: Please submit your application through shared Mi Future network online recruitment system administered by partnering university UC3M Future DCForm . More Information about this position
Contact: Professor Elena Simona Lohan (
More information also at
Haemme määräaikaista MSCA väitöskirjatutkijaa, jonka työsuhde kestää 18 kuukautta Tampereen yliopistossa ja 18 kuukautta Ericssonilla. Tehtävä Tampereen yliopistolla sijoittuu Sähkötekniikan yksikköön, Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekuntaan. Hakuohjeet Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta ja jätä hakemuksesi Mi Future verkoston keskitetyllä hakulomakkeella kumppaniyliopiston UC3M hakuportaalissa. Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 15.10.2024 klo 23.59.
We regret to inform you that this job opportunity is no longer available
Doctoral Researcher (Industrial Engineering and Management, Information and Knowledge Management), 2-4 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (Tuotantotalous, Tietojohtaminen), 2-4 tehtävää
Doctoral Researcher (Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics), 6 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (hallintotieteet, kauppatieteet, politiikan tutkimus), 6 tehtävää