Positive Attachment Worker Adferiad Recovery delivers a flexible and coordinated response to the exceptional circumstances faced by people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions and related issues. Vulnerable people facing complex life challenges need consistent and seamless support to ensure they remain engaged with vital health and wellbeing services – and to prevent them becoming disenfranchised and isolated. Hours: 37.5 hours per week Salary: £25,027.20 per annum Based at: Powys – location to be agreed with successful applicant Role Purpose: To provide specialist positive attachment services to the children and young people of Powys. Delivering therapeutic training to services and organisations across Powys, to enhance positive attachment and trauma informed practice. Main Duties & Responsibilities:
To explain boundaries of confidentiality, exchange of information and informed consent (including Three Cornered Agreements) to clients.
To undertake assessments. To be able to recognize common mental health issues and draw out relevant information needed for an assessment using skilful and sensitive questioning.
To provide expertise in a specialist clinical area, undertaking specialist psychological interventions, formulating mutually agreed contracts with clients, establishing, maintaining, and disengaging from relationships with the client group. To select and deliver evidence-based client centred psychological treatments to meet the needs of the client group. With experience dealing with issues relating to young people such as ACE’S, county lines, bullying, school stress etc.
Monitoring outcome and modifying and adapting interventions, drawing on a range of theoretical approaches.
Interventions to be delivered in accordance with relevant NICE Guidelines.
To undertake and manage own client caseload.
To be accountable for own clinical decisions and professional actions in consultation with supervisor.
To assess and monitor risk and draw up appropriate risk management plans.
To communicate skilfully and sensitively highly complex and sensitive information, considering sensory and cultural barriers to communication.
To work in accordance with Adferiad Recovery’s Policies and Procedures, All Wales Child Protection Procedures and North Wales Vulnerable Adults Protocol.
To refer clients to other services as appropriate. When making referrals to other services and agencies, to do this in a manner consistent with the specific referral processes used by those agencies.
To develop and deliver regular therapeutic training to services and organisations across Powys, to enhance positive attachment and trauma informed practice (both online and in person).
To undertake clinical administrative tasks and reports relating to clients when necessary.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy early if we receive sufficient applications for the role. Therefore, if you are interested, please submit your application as early as possible. If you think you might have these skills, but are not 100% sure, please do still apply and let us decide. We know that certain groups rule themselves out of interesting opportunities assuming that others will be more successful, but please don't be that person. We want to hear from the widest cross section of the community. Adferiad Recovery welcomes applications from everyone with the right to work in the UK, and values diversity in the workplace.All employees are required to act inclusively to encourage, promote, and cultivate our values. (Such as rights affirming and cultural diversity). Working towards becoming a Rights Affirming organisation, we actively encourage applications from people where the Person Specification calls for a particular qualification or experience, we will consider waiving these requirements if an applicant who could not achieve them because of a disability can demonstrate he/she would be capable of performing well in the job and fulfils the criteria in other respects. FOR MORE INFORMATION A FULL PERSON SPECIFICATION AND HOW TO APPLY, PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE: https://adferiadrecovery.peoplehr.net/Pages/Job Board/Opening.aspx?v=2791073f-8c47-4bb5-8b37-52c886c1cac9 If you have difficulty accessing this information or would like it in a different format, please contact our recruitment team at recruitment@adferiad.org or 01492 863005 - Gweithiwr Ymlyniad Cadarnhaol Mae Adferiad Recovery yn darparu ymateb hyblyg a chydlynol i’r amgylchiadau eithriadol mae pobl sydd â chyflyrau iechyd meddwl, defnydd sylweddau a materion eraill cysylltiedig sy’n cyd-ddigwydd yn eu hwynebu. Mae pobl sy’n agored i niwed sy’n wynebu heriau bywyd cymhleth angen cefnogaeth gyson a di-dor i sicrhau eu bod yn parhau i ymgysylltu gyda gwasanaethau iechyd a llesiant hanfodol – ac i’w hatal rhag mynd yn ddifreintiedig ac ynysig. Oriau: 37.5 awr yr wythnos Cyflog: £25,027.20 y flwyddyn (pro rata) Lleoliad: Powys – lleoliad i'w gytuno gyda'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus. Pwrpas y Rôl: Darparu gwasanaethau ymlyniad cadarnhaol arbenigol i blant a phobl ifanc Powys. Cyflwyno hyfforddiant therapiwtig i wasanaethau a sefydliadau ar draws Powys, er mwyn gwella ymlyniad cadarnhaol ac ymarfer sy’n seiliedig ar drawma. Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau:
Egluro ffiniau cyfrinachedd, cyfnewid gwybodaeth a chaniatâd gwybodus (gan gynnwys Cytundebau Tri Chornel) i gleientiaid.
Cynnal asesiadau. Gallu adnabod problemau iechyd meddwl cyffredin a thynnu allan y wybodaeth berthnasol sydd ei hangen ar gyfer asesiad gan ddefnyddio cwestiynu medrus a sensitif.
Darparu arbenigedd mewn maes clinigol arbenigol, ymgymryd ag ymyriadau seicolegol arbenigol, llunio contractau y cytunwyd arnynt ar y cyd â chleientiaid, sefydlu, cynnal, ac ymddieithrio o berthnasoedd â'r grŵp cleientiaid. Dewis a darparu triniaethau seicolegol sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth sy'n canolbwyntio ar y cleient i ddiwallu anghenion y grŵp cleientiaid. Gyda phrofiad o ymdrin â materion yn ymwneud â phobl ifanc fel ACE, llinellau sirol, bwlio, straen yn yr ysgol ac ati.
Monitro canlyniad ac addasu ac addasu ymyriadau, gan ddefnyddio ystod o ddulliau damcaniaethol.
Ymyriadau i'w darparu yn unol â Chanllawiau NICE perthnasol.
Ymgymryd a rheoli llwyth achosion eich cleient eich hun.
Bod yn atebol am eich penderfyniadau clinigol eich hun a chamau gweithredu proffesiynol mewn ymgynghoriad â'r goruchwyliwr.
Asesu a monitro risg a llunio cynlluniau rheoli risg priodol.
Cyfathrebu gwybodaeth hynod gymhleth a sensitif yn fedrus ac yn sensitif, gan ystyried rhwystrau synhwyraidd a diwylliannol i gyfathrebu.
Gweithio yn unol â Pholisïau a Gweithdrefnau Adferiad Recovery, Gweithdrefnau Amddiffyn Plant Cymru Gyfan a Phrotocol Oedolion Agored i Niwed Gogledd Cymru.
Cyfeirio cleientiaid at wasanaethau eraill fel y bo'n briodol. Wrth wneud cyfeiriadau at wasanaethau ac asiantaethau eraill, gwneud hyn mewn modd sy'n gyson â'r prosesau cyfeirio penodol a ddefnyddir gan yr asiantaethau hynny.
Datblygu a darparu hyfforddiant therapiwtig rheolaidd i wasanaethau a sefydliadau ledled Powys, er mwyn gwella ymlyniad cadarnhaol ac ymarfer sy’n seiliedig ar drawma (ar-lein ac yn bersonol).
Ymgymryd â thasgau gweinyddol clinigol ac adroddiadau yn ymwneud â chleientiaid pan fo angen.
Rydym yn cadw'r hawl i gau'r swydd wag hon yn gynnar os byddwn yn derbyn digon o geisiadau ar gyfer y rôl. Felly, os oes gennych ddiddordeb, cyflwynwch eich cais cyn gynted â phosibl. Os credwch fod gennych y sgiliau hyn, ond nad ydych 100% yn siŵr, gwnewch gais o hyd a gadewch i ni benderfynu. Gwyddom fod rhai grwpiau yn diystyru eu hunain o gyfleoedd diddorol gan gymryd y bydd eraill yn fwy llwyddiannus, ond peidiwch â bod y person hwnnw. Rydym am glywed gan y trawstoriad ehangaf o’r gymuned. Mae Adferiad Recovery yn croesawu ceisiadau gan bawb sydd â’r hawl i weithio yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ac yn gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth yn y gweithle. Mae’n rhaid i bob cyflogai ymddwyn yn gynhwysol i annog, hyrwyddo, ac i feithrin ein gwerthoedd (megis cadarnhau hawliau ac amrywiaeth diwylliannol). Wrth weithio tuag at ddod yn sefydliad sy’n Cadarnhau Hawliau, rydym yn weithredol yn annog ceisiadau gan bobl ble mae Manyleb y Person yn galw am gymhwyster neu brofiad penodol, ond byddwn yn ystyried hepgor y gofynion hyn os bydd ymgeisydd na all eu cyflawni oherwydd anabledd, ond sydd yn gallu dangos y byddent yn gallu perfformio yn dda yn y swydd ac yn bodloni’r meini prawf mewn agweddau eraill. AM FWY O WYBODAETH, MANYLEB Y PERSON LLAWN AC AM SUT I WNEUD CAIS, EWCH I’N GWEFAN OS GWELWCH YN DDA: https://adferiadrecovery.peoplehr.net/Pages/Job Board/Opening.aspx?v=2791073f-8c47-4bb5-8b37-52c886c1cac9 Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth cael mynediad i'r wybodaeth hon neu os hoffech chi ei chael mewn fformat gwahanol, cysylltwch â'n tîm recriwtio yn recruitment@adferiad.org neu 01492 863005 Job Types: Full-time, Permanent Pay: From £25,027.20 per year Benefits:
Additional leave
Company events
Company pension
Cycle to work scheme
Employee discount
Financial planning services
Health & wellbeing programme
Life insurance
Referral programme
Sick pay
Store discount
Day shift
Work days:
Monday to Friday
UK Driving Licence and access to a vehicle for work purposes (required)