Under the direction of the Supervisor/Head of School, to effectively supervise pupils during the lunch period, providing a continuous presence. To ensure the safety, welfare and conduct of pupils in accordance with school policy. Midday Assistants have a shared role within the school in helping to raise the social achievements of pupils. They are responsible for ensuring that lunchtimes are an enjoyable and safe experience for all the children, so that they are physically and mentally prepared to learn during the afternoon. Key Duties and Responsibilities 1 To be responsible for supervising a group of pupils in the dining hall and others parts of the school during the lunch period, helping to organise the dining area and playground space appropriately. 2 To promote the school behaviour policy, assisting with maintaining discipline and supporting children to resolving conflicts in a positive way. To deal with incidents of misbehaviour by appropriate intervention and report serious incidents to the senior midday supervisor/duty teacher/head teacher as appropriate. 3 To assist in the dining area and encourage good eating practices, ensuring safety with cutlery and courtesy towards servers and monitors. To encourage children to eat their midday meal and assist with cutting up food, pouring liquids, etc where necessary, paying particular attention to those with special needs or disabilities. 4 To be aware of pupils on special or restricted diets for medical reasons from information provided. 5 To deal promptly with minor incidents, e.g. cleaning up food spillages, pupils’ accidents with toileting and changing clothes. 6 To tend to pupils who are sick or injured in accordance with the school’s accident/injuries procedures, administering initial first aid and reporting serious injuries to the named first aider and/or supervisor/head teacher as appropriate. 7 To ensure all areas are left clean and tidy in accordance with hygiene, health and safety procedures. 8 To assist with both inside and outside play activities encouraging all children to take part, to cooperate and show respect for others. 9 To ensure that pupils keep out of areas that are out of bounds and don’t leave the school premises. To be aware of security procedures with regard to entrance and exits and to approach visitors and direct them to the appropriate contact person. 10 To be aware of responsibilities under child protection legislation and report any concerns to a senior supervisor or the Head of School. 11 To take part in the school’s performance management framework for support staff and participate in training and development activities as required. 12 In addition to the specific responsibilities of the post, as a member of the support team, the post holder will be expected to assist with other tasks of a similar nature, appropriate to the grade, as directed by the Head of School. In addition, all school employees are expected to:
Have a full commitment to the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy and acceptance of personal
responsibility for its practical application. All employees are required to comply with and promote the policy and to ensure that discrimination is eliminated in the service of the Authority.
Uphold and comply with the statutory provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any
other associated legislation or Council Policies and procedures. Other requirements:
To attend and participate in staff meetings.
To participate in training and performance management as required.