The Associate Professional for Safeguarding supports and ensures effective Safeguarding practice for the organisation as stipulated in primary legislation and underpinned in Government strategy and national, regional and local guidance, procedures and standards. Professionals in this role will: Support the Named Nurses and Named Midwife to develop, implement and review safeguarding practice across the organisation and its networks. Support the Named Nurses and Named Midwife in the provision of specialist professional safeguarding advice. Deliver safeguarding training and support the Integrated Safeguarding Team to develop, implement and evaluate safeguarding training for all staff groups from induction to specialist courses.
Facilitate safe and effective multi-professional communication and information sharing appropriately across a range of settings and agencies in accordance with agreed policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding Communicate highly complex, sensitive and emotive information within the health service and multi-agency contexts, pertaining to safeguarding adults, children and young people. Foster effective working relationships in order to promote inter-disciplinary and multi-agency collaboration and be an active member of multi-agency safeguarding groups.