Proposed work plan and tools
Proposed work plan and evaluation questionnaires to be submitted within 02 days following the official initiation of the evaluation.
Training of enumerators, testing of tools and final validation
Data Collection
Briefing, deployment of enumerators, data collection and post field work debriefing.
Presentation of Data (excel sheets)
Lead Consultant to present analysed summary of field data before the writing the first draft report. This will allow for review, questioning and field follow up and cross validation of the data.
Draft of Evaluation report
The evaluator must submit draft report for review and comments by all parties involved after analysis of the field data. Both the PMS management members and other related stakeholders in the evaluation must review the draft evaluation report to ensure that the evaluation meets the required quality criteria.
Final Report
Report will be submitted 4-5 days after receiving comments from the PMS management members and other related stakeholders. The content and structure of the final analytical report with findings, recommendations and lessons learnt covering the scope of the evaluation must include the following:
- Description of the evaluation methodology
- Situational analysis with regard to the outcome, outputs
- Analysis of opportunities to provide guidance for future programming
- Key findings, including best practices and lessons learned
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Appendices: Terms of reference, field visits, people interviewed, documents reviewed.