20 Months, Fixed-Term, Whole-time Post
Position Summary
Aburto Lab at APC Microbiome Ireland/Dept. of Anatomy and Neuroscience wish to recruit a Post-Doctoral Researcher.
The project aims to understand how gene x environment interactions, such as host genetics and gut microbiota modulate CNS vascularisation and neurovascular interactions. We will use in vivo models (mouse) where we will perform different gut microbiota manipulations, both in wild-type mice as well as in different autism-spectrum disorder mouse models. The appointee will be focusing on performing RNA sequencing of brain endothelial cells during embryonic and postnatal development and brain and plasma metabolomics to understand how microbial signals could modulate vascular and neurovascular processes. They will be also involved in confocal microscopy and in vitro models (e.g., tube formation assay or blood-brain barrier in vitro models).
Experience in mouse handling, confocal microscopy, molecular and computational biology such as RNA sequencing data analysis and metabolomics analysis datasets will be highly valued.
The appointee work directly with the Aburto Lab group. Our work focuses on the role of the gut microbiota in brain development and main techniques we use are mouse experiments with microbiota manipulations, brain histology, immunofluorescence, RNA extraction and analysis, cell culture, tissue culture and microscopy. Experience in these disciplines will be highly valued. For more information on what we do please visit aburto-lab.org
UCC is an accredited research organisation and as such can form hosting agreements with third country nationals (and non-EEA nationals) for the purpose of conducting research in the University.
Project Title: Deciphering the role of early life microbiota in neuro-glia-vascular development and contributions to neurodevelopmental disorders.
Post Duration: 20 Months
Salary: €44,347 - €50,805, (IUA PD1 Salary Scale)
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Dr. María Rodríguez Aburto, Email: aburtolab@ucc.ie
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to recruitment@ucc.ie, quoting the job-title and project name.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Thursday 20th September 2024
No late applications will be accepted.
Please note that an appointment to posts advertised will be dependent on University approval, together with the terms of the employment control framework for the higher education sector.
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