The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based education to build a more sustainable, smarter, and more humane world. The University of Oulu community has about 17,000 people in total. Our northern scientific community operates globally and creates conditions for the emergence of innovations.
We are now looking for
Two Doctoral Researchers
to join in the NMR Research Unit.
The NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Research Unit at the Faculty of Science is an internationally established, combined experimental and theoretical team of about 30 people, of which 50% with a Ph D degree. We develop experimental, theoretical, and computational research methods based on magnetic resonance phenomena and apply those methods to topical problems in molecular and materials sciences. Our strength is in the tight connection between state-of-the-art measurements and calculations. We have an open and encouraging working atmosphere and have a substantial track record in successful funding applications both at the Research Council of Finland and in EU programmes.
Subject field and description of the position
The doctoral researcher position is a part of the Kvantum Institute (University of Oulu) project ”Sensitive NMR for Sustainable Development”, which focuses on the development and application of new experimental and computational NMR methods in multidisciplinary research targeted at green transition and human well-being.
Each position will be involved in research of one of the following topics:
(1) Hyperpolarization and optical NMR. The aim of the project is to study SABRE (Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange) hyperpolarization technique, commonly used to increase the NMR signal, and, eventually, utilize this knowledge and enhanced polarization to develop s.c. nuclear magneto-optic spectroscopy, i.e., methods to study nuclear magnetism by optical means. The project involves instrument and methods development, experimental NMR, and spin dynamics simulations. Depending on the applicant’s interest and skills they will work in one or more of these areas. (PI: Anu Kantola)
(2) Machine learning modelling of NMR in complex materials. In the project, we combine first principles quantum chemistry (QC) calculations of NMR parameters with molecular dynamics (MD) modelling at semi-empirical (SEMD) /ab initio (AIMD) levels for short time scales and small model systems. Results are used to build machine-learning (ML) interaction potential (MLIP) models of both energy and spectroscopic parameters that can be used efficiently in MLMD simulations. They provide high-quality results for the final realistic models of larger systems that, in addition to thermal averaging, enable relaxation modelling at time scales needed to describe, for instance, chemical reactions and probe the mechanical pathway that guest atoms or molecules assume in materials studied in collaboration with the experimental NMR groups. (PI: Perttu Lantto)
The experimental research is carried out in the NMR laboratory of the University of Oulu, which is a versatile facility with several high- and low-field NMR spectrometers, hyperpolarizers, instrumentation for gas, liquid and solid-state as well as diffusion and microimaging experiments.
The CPU-intensive computational research to be undertaken in this position is carried out in the facilities of the national supercomputer center (CSC), as well as in the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (Euro HPC JU) supercomputer LUMI. Local Linux cluster belonging to the Finnish Computing Competence Infrastructure (FCCI) is used for high-throughput production calculations.
What we offer?
- A place in a highly talented research group, working to solve significant research problems in the fields of multiscale modelling and NMR spectroscopy.
- Wellness benefit e Passi covering sport, culture and well-being. Read more about other staff benefits.
- Development and career options of the big organization.
- Work that matters and a workplace that promotes flexibility and work-life balance. Read more about working with us.
- Our Buddy Programme and Spouse Network support you and close-ones in settling into Oulu.
- We have a HR Excellence in Research -quality label which is a recognition awarded by the European Commission for the development of researchers’ working conditions and careers.
- Finland is one of the most livable countries in the world, with a high quality of life, safety, excellent education system, and competitive economy. Read more about living in Oulu.
Required qualifications and assessment
The doctoral researcher must have completed MSc degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry, materials science, or a related field. The selected person must have achieved a good grade in their degree (i.e., at least 60% of the maximum grade in both taught courses and the master's thesis) and must be able to demonstrate English language skills that are sufficient to follow doctoral studies. See more detailed requirements of the University of Oulu Graduate School.
We expect the applicants to have experience in quantum mechanics and for the computationally inclined applicants we expect experience in scientific computing, and statistical mechanics. Depending on the applicant’s inclination to experimental or computational work, we value experience on applications and/or method development in NMR spectroscopy and optical measurements (project 1) or quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics and machine learning methods (project 2). Computer experience including basic Linux/Unix knowledge, shell/Python scripting, and mastery of at least one relevant programming language (e.g., Python, C/C++, Fortran) is beneficial for the success in the projects.
We view it as a benefit if you are highly motivated, possess good communication, teamwork and organisational skills, as well as can carry out independent work. Participation in teaching within the physics curriculum is expected.
The doctoral researcher position is fixed term for 3 years. The position starts from January 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The salary of the doctoral researcher will be based on the levels 2-4 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50% of the job specific component). The salary is thus in practice roughly 2 500-2 900 € per month (before taxes), depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience.
Later the salary follows the YPJ salary system of Finnish universities. The salary will be paid monthly. The employment contract is based on a total working time of 1 612 hours per year, which gives the doctoral researcher freedom to plan the working hours. A six-month trial period will be effective in the beginning of the work contract.
Application Procedure
Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, should be submitted using the electronic application form by October 19, 2024, 23:59 (Finnish local time). The application should be written in English and include the following:
The application should be written in English and include the following:
- A motivation letter (max. 2 pages) summarising the applicant’s professional experience and expertise and describing applicant’s research interests and motivations in the project. Also, information on other personal research interests, experience and career plans are valuable to provide here. In the letter the applicant should also indicate of which from the above-mentioned projects (1-2), in priority order, the applicant is interested in.
- Brief curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages) following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity including list of publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
- Certificates/diplomas - scanned copy of the original relevant master’s degree certificates and transcript of records and, when necessary, official translations to Finnish or English.
- A valid certificate of English language proficiency.
- Contact information of two persons who may be asked to give a statement of the candidate
The eligible applicants fitting best in the profile expected for the position will be invited to a remote interview. All applicants will be notified during the selection process.
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, such as people of different ages, different genders and members of different language, cultural or minority groups.
For further information regarding the filling of the post:
Senior Researcher Anu Kantola, email:
Senior Researcher Perttu Lantto, email:
Työsopimuksen voimassaolo: määräaikainen yli 6 kuukautta | Työsuhteen luonne: kokoaikainen | Paikkojen lukumäärä: 2 | Työllisyysaste: 100 % | Paikkakunta: Oulu | Maakunta: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa | Maa: Finland | Ilmoitusnumero: 2024/462 | Yhteys: Perttu Lantto +358407266125, Anu Kantola +358294481303, | Julkaistu: 2024-09-20 | Haku päättyy: 2024-10-19