Postdoctoral researcher, ICT based solutions for water resources engineering and management
The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based education to build a more sustainable, smarter, and more humane world. The University of Oulu community has about 17,000 people in total. Our northern scientific community operates globally and creates conditions for the emergence of innovations. We are now looking fora
Postdoctoral researcher
in ICT based solutions for water resources engineering and management to join us at Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering research unit (WE3), at the Faculty of Technology.
WE3 carries out research on land, water and energy systems and their interaction. Climate change, environmental degradation and energy transition are societal challenges motivating research to find sustainable solutions. Our water research team has 70 researchers in 4 research groups with a strong focus on various aspects of water engineering, including hydrological modelling, cold climate hydrology, hydrological process studies, groundwater research, water quality, water management, water supply, treatment, and protection. In hydrology, the research includes studies at our research stations and super sites in Finland with a unique and developing infrastructure. We are active in interdisciplinary studies in Finland and different regions abroad, with studies on climate, land, energy and water analysis, modelling and management. We lead a large scale and long-term Finnish research and impact Flagship on Digital Waters to which this position is linked. In the flagship, we also include expert teams in ICT technologies and teams working on water, land and environmental digital applications. We are looking for a talented researcher with a strong background in information or geographical information science and technology with interest in developing water resources engineering solutions and management applications. You will work in a strong team that focuses on digitalization in hydrology, water research and management using and developing different types of solutions for monitoring, data handling, data fusion and modelling approaches. We encourage visionary researchers with different backgrounds and experiences to apply.
Job description
You will work in the Digital Waters Flagship research area, developing its research and innovation actions, in collaboration with different international and national research projects and partners. The work involves development of digital solutions including monitoring, data management and modelling in the process of development of digital twins. You will also collaborate and assist in Ph D education and research in collaboration with other senior staff and professors. Some teaching and supervision of graduate students can also be considered. To succeed in the position, you are required to have:
Doctoral degree in ICT related science or engineering, water or environmental engineering or other relevant fields
Strong experience in programming, big data management, and API development with related practices and standards
Proficiency in developing algorithms for data analysis, modeling, and forecasting
Interest in hydrology and water resources engineering and/or water resources management
Strong experience in scientific writing and communication
Fluent in English, both in oral and written communication
We also appreciate the following know-how and experience in:
Strong background in computational and data driven methods such as AI
Knowledge of the OGC’s (Open Geospatial Consortium) APIs and standards
Experience with High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments, parallel computing and distributed systems
Experience in handling large observational and/or modelling datasets and familiarity with data integration techniques and tools
Experience with both relational and No SQL geospatial databases, including design, implementation, and optimization
Experience with data visualization, UI development tools and frameworks, and ability to design and implement user-friendly, interactive and intuitive visualizations
Experience in the use of information technology such as development of digital tools and twins
Ability to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams and communicate with various stakeholders.
Experience in supervision of students and/or teaching
International experience and networking skills
What we offer
We offer you an interesting and versatile position being part of a large digital water research cluster ( with experts in information technology, water and hydrological research. You will have the opportunity to develop professionally with the help of an experienced and enthusiastic team. You will also have access to our unique infrastructure where new studies can be initiated in collaboration with our team members. University of Oulu offers
Possibilities for flexible work via well-established practices and agreements for flexible working hours, part-time working and teleworking.
A wide variety of support services allowing you to focus on your research and career development.
A competitive salary paid monthly, which includes paid leave and an additional holiday bonus in the summer.
Wellness benefit e Passi covering sport, culture and well-being. Read more about other staff benefits.
Development and career options of the big organization.
We have a HR Excellence in Research -quality label which is a recognition awarded by the European Commission for the development of researchers’ working conditions and careers.
Work that matters and a workplace that promotes flexibility and work-life balance. Read more about working with us.
Our Buddy Programme and Spouse Network support you and close-ones in settling into Oulu.
Finland is one of the most livable countries in the world, with a high quality of life, safety, excellent education system, and competitive economy. Read more about living in Oulu.
The duration of the fixed-term position is 3 years, beginning on 1st of November 2024 (or as soon as possible thereafter). A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position. The salary will be based on the level 5-6 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). Typical monthly salary for a post-doctoral researcher is 3600 - 4200 € (before taxes). A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position.
Applications and selection process
Apply online latest on September 30th, 2024 (23:59 Finnish time). The application should be written in English and include the following documents:
A letter of motivation with contact information (max 2 pages),
Curriculum vitae (max 4 pages) following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity
List of publications following the guidelines of the Academy of Finland
Brief account of research merits linked to this position (max 1 page)
Research statement or draft plan (about 4 pages)
Teaching and supervision experience (up to 2 pages)
A copy of the applicant’s Doctoral and Master of Science degree diplomas with transcript of records, or, if the Doctoral degree is not available at the time of application, a statement from the applicant and their supervisor(s) regarding the expected completion date.
Contact details of 2–4 persons available for recommendation.
The eligible applicants fitting best in the expected research profile may be invited to an on-site or remote interview. All applicants will be notified when the selection process is completed.
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