We are a fast growing and innovative company with a mission to lead the transformation into a more digital and sustainable tomorrow. We are Normet, a courageous, committed and caring company where everyone has courage to shine.
Hae mukaan opiskelemaan Normet Smart Start -ohjelmaan!
Normet ja Ylä-Savon ammattiopisto YSAO ovat yhdessä kehittäneet perustutkintoon tähtäävän Normet Smart Start -koulutusohjelman. Tällä hakemuksella voit hakea opiskelemaan Normet Smart Start sähköasentajaksi. Normet Smart Start-ohjelmaan hakeminen edellyttää olemassa olevaa opiskeluoikeutta YSAO:n sähkö- ja automaatioalan perustutkinnossa. Hakuaika on 7.10.-5.11.2024.
Come and share your courage to shine with us!
About Us
in a courageous, committed and caring company.
We are NORMET, a passionate team of over 1,700 professionals with a global reach and a Nordic heart – on a mission to be Defining The Future Underground.
Together with our customers, we have courage to lead the way in sustainable underground mining and tunnelling by building the safest places underground.
We explore and deliver continuous improvement to underground construction and mining processes for increased safety, productivity and profitability.
We are committed to solving the toughest challenges and to create lifetime value, while first and foremost caring for the welfare of people and the environment.
Through our innovation, our own technologies and complete solutions, we are shining a light to the future of our industry.
This is why we are trusted by our customers and growing fast: as the daring company who cares for every individual in our winning team, on our one and only planet.
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