⭐️ A Typical Day A Technical Interviewer is responsible to manage the complete recruitment cycle at Sophilabs, from identifying potential hires to interviewing and evaluating candidates. They play an important part in building and maintaining a strong employer brand that ensures we attract, hire and retain the most qualified employees. Responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to:
Screen incoming resumes and application forms
Interview candidates (via phone and video conference)
Prepare and distribute assignments, language assessments, and numerical and logical reasoning tests
Advertise job openings internally and on the company’s careers page, social media, and job boards
Provide shortlists of qualified candidates to hiring managers
Send job offer emails and answer queries about compensation and benefits
Monitor key HR metrics, including time-to-fill, time-to-hire, and source of hire
Participate in job fairs and host in-house recruitment events
Collaborate with managers to identify future hiring needs
Act as a consultant to new hires and help them during the onboarding process
Qualifications: ● At least 1 year of proven work experience in HR, Psychology, IT Recruitment or customer service ● Fluent in English (near-native) ● Time management skills and ability to prioritize ● Ability to multitask and work effectively in an open, highly energetic, and fast-paced environment ● Tech-savvy with an interest in new generation technology—comfortable doing things a different way, trouble-shooting and recommending new technology ● Exceptional written and oral communication skills ● Solid interpersonal skills and a strong team spirit ● Highly organized and detail-oriented ●Availability to work remotely (Mon-Fri 9 AM- 6 PM) Tipo de puesto: Tiempo completo