PO Box 1110, 1371 2nd Avenue
Dawson City, YT, Y0B1G0
Department: Finance / Full me
Star ng Wage: $30.77 hourly Closing Date: On Going
Descrip on
Accoun ng and related clerks’ du es: calculate, prepare and process bills, invoices, accounts payable and
receivable, budgets and other financial records according to established procedures.
Must have a degree in related field of study
Must have 4 years plus of Experience
Must have knowledge and skills on computer and accoun ngs of so ware applica ons.
Knowledge of office administra ve and clerical prac ces and procedures.
Knowledge of accoun ng principles and prac ces including the recording, analysis and repor ng of
financial informa on.
Knowledge of principles and prac ces of financial management, monitoring and accountability
frameworks, repor ng procedures, banking, and markets.
Du es and Responsibili es:
Calculate, prepare and issue documents related to accounts such as bills, invoices, inventory reports,
account statements and other financial statements according to the company procedure and standard.
Code, total, batch, enter, verify and reconcile transactions such as accounts payable and receivable,
payroll, purchase orders, cheques, invoices, cheque requisitions, and bank statements in a ledger or
computer system
Compile budget data and documents based on estimated revenues and expenses and previous budgets
Prepare monthly reports or cost estimates required by the company.
Calculate costs of materials, overhead and other expenses based on estimates, quotations, and price lists
Respond to customer inquiries, maintain good customer relations and solve problems with minimal
Perform related clerical duties, such as Word processing, Microsoft Excel and Accounting software as
maintaining filing and record systems, faxing and photocopying.
Condi on of Employment
Mandatory confiden ality is a condi on of employment for all Chief Isaac personnel
Criminal Record Check
Valid Class 5 Driver’s License
Benefit package for permanent employees
CII Hiring Policy Applies (Preference will be given to a qualified Tr’ondek Hwech’in citizen)
Please submit a detailed resume to:
Tina Timms – C/O Chief Isaac Inc.
PO Box 1110
Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0
Email: tinatimms@chiefisaac.ca
No phone calls will be accepted
We thank you for your interest, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.