- Promote the principles and procedures of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award,
including its International Declaration and Principles, national policies, to the Voluntary
Code of Conduct.
- Develop and implement strategies for attracting and supporting the participation of a
broad spectrum of young people in the Award.
- Promote and administer the Online Record Book for the College, in addition to ensuring
all participants make full use of the Duke of Edinburgh recording system. Regularly
monitor participants’ progress.
- Assist participants to find suitable assessors and supervisors to fulfil their service-
learning component.
- Arrange necessary training for leaders, assessors, supervisors and participants.
- Arrange Award presentations as required.
- Comply with the requirements of the Duke of Edinburgh Operating Licence and liaise
with the Regional Co-ordinator on a regular basis.
- Plan a program for the delivery of the three levels for each academic year.
- Maintain budgets in liaison with the Director of Co-curricular.
- Ensure that external staff are employed to fulfil expedition needs where necessary and
have relevant qualifications.
- Deliver the school Duke of Edinburgh training sessions to assist voluntary staff, student
alumni in preparation for expeditions and service-learning opportunities.
- Maintain, train and supervise a group of gold participants to act as mentors for the
bronze groups.
- Plan an expedition program to include the booking of staff, accommodation, transport
and food. Ensure that the program complies with College policies, including relevant risk
- Lead expeditions, delegating responsibility to alumni staff where necessary, to
encourage the development of the skills required.
- Be experienced in Duke of Edinburgh requirements including hillwalking, navigation,
expedition supervision, expedition assessment and Wilderness First Aid.
- Be experienced in group management, staff deployment and management and pastoral
care of students on expeditions.
- Report regularly to the Director of Co-curricular to ensure the quality of delivery and to
develop strategies to enhance that delivery.
Perform other duties as required by the Principal or her nominees from time to time.